Bye Bye Cam

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Recap- He took off his shirt he knew I loved that.

I asked him questions. the last one was about breaking up with Cameron. He thought it was great. I was gonna say I needed a little break and postpone the wedding to later.

Cam called at the right time. I was nervous as fuck.

Cam- "Hey I just called to check up on you and say I love you and can't wait to come home and see you!"

(He made this extremely hard to talk to him!)

Me- "Hey uherm I gotta tell you something really important..."

Cam- "Shoot!"

Me- "I feel like we need some time apart just because that one night I had a rush with you I was all with it and stuff. Yeah I'm sorry but I'm breaking up with you..."

He hung up on me. I was fine with it cause I didn't really love him I love Sam!

Sam kissed me on the forehead and tucked me in and cuddled with me and we feel asleep.


* The Next Morning *

~ D'Andrea's POV~

I guess Sam was already up so I walked downstairs and found him cooking me my fav pastina. "PASTINA!" I screamed probably waking up the neighbor hood.

"Good morning beautiful!" Sam said as he pecked me on the forehead. "Good morning babes!" I said pecking him on the cheek. We both sat down at the bar and watched Thatsojack and Tyler Oakley cause they're my queens!!! We then realized we had to do a video for my week. Damn it's been like centuries!!! I made a #askDamdrea and asked my followers for questions. Some of them were about Cameron but I told them what happened between us.

*A Few Hours Later*

It was about 3:00 and we were getting hungry so we took a ride to Taco Bell and Starbucks. We took my car. We sang, more like screamed our playlist to the places we were going. On the way back Sam got a call from his mom to watch Levi. I fucking love Levi!!! I told him to say yes of course. He gave in. We went and picked up Levi and decide we could just hang out at home.

After a while of playing around with Levi I had a warm feeling like a motherly tingle like what it be like to have a kid and I really liked it. After Levi got picked up Sam and I looked at each other with an idea in our heads. I think he was thinking of what I was thinking. So I asked "Did you have a fatherly tingle happen to you when we were together with Levi?" "Yea I did do you think maybe we could try?"

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