Veterans Day

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Hello everyone who feels the need to read this. I am currently sitting on the computer trying to type yet again I am sorry for the lack of me being able to update more often. okay story time yesterday was my schools veterans day assembly were we invite veterans and people of the community to our school. well I had to play four different songs two on snare drum and two on base drum. we were absolutely completely nervous because we had to play the marches of the armed forces which is a song that combines the anthem's for the army and the air force and the navy all in to one decent sized song. our band director hadn't noticed earlier that we had absolutely no idea how to play the song. we played to the best of our ability and apparently that was pretty good because we've gotten a lot of compliments on yesterday. In other news today was an early out and tomorrow is a free day so were off school I thank god for the long weekend I'm going to sleep so much I'm so absolutely happy to have a long weekend.

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