Chapter 1

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"I- what?" I asked.

"Jaelyn, I've repeated myself five times now. A nice family is coming to foster you," Ms. Martha said, growing irritated with me.

"Why would someone want to foster me? I'm the kid with the psycho brother, remember?" I asked, sinking into a chair and crossing my arms over my chest. Little Natalia next to me did the same, except she sat in my lap.

"Well the Miranda's have decided they would like to foster you. Now go pack, they'll be here in two hours," Ms. Martha said.

I huffed and left for my room upstairs, Natalia following. I shared my room with a pair of twins and two other girls. The twins were named Molly and Hailey and the other two were Olive and Fiona. We were all great friends even though we all head the occasional fight. Natalia was the youngest girl in the group home, being only four, and for whatever reason was attached to me. We were like sisters.

Anyway, I made it to my room to find the twins hiding behind one bed and Olive and Fiona hiding behind the other. "What're you-?" I started before getting hit in the face with a folded pair of socks. Natalia hid behind me.

"Laundry war!" Fiona shortly explained.

Laundry wars were something that occasionally occurred in our room. We were all five 13-16 yr. olds (I'm 15) and sometimes just needed a good Laundry War to blow off steam. Natalia was in the room down the hall but only went into that room if I went with her or Ms. Martha made her.

"Well, put a hold on it, I need to talk to you guys," I said, plopping on my bed, bouncing slightly. Talia did the same.

They looked at me, waiting for me to continue.

"Some family wants to foster me," I said.

"What?! Jae, that's great!" Molly exclaimed, shooting up from her spot next to her sister. She got a rolled up shirt to the head and making Talia giggle.

"No, it's not! What if I get attached and they send me back 'cause of my psycho brother?" I asked.

"They won't. You said he was in prison, right?" Fiona's voice asked.

"He got released last month I think," I replied.

"When're they coming to pick you up?" Olive's voice asked.

"Ms. Martha said about two hours," I said, pulling my suitcase from under my bed.

Fiona, who was the oldest out of us, stood and ducked a flying shoe as she said, "Want us to help you pack?"

"Would you, please?" I asked.

"'Course! Girls, c'mon," she ordered and Olive and the twins stood.

They helped me get everything put into my suitcase and after we finished, talked me out a panic attack.

"Jaelyn! Mr. Miranda is here to pick you up!" Ms. Martha called.

I sighed and looked at my roommates. "See you soon, I guess."

"Who knows? Maybe they'll adopt you!" Hailey encouraged as I gave the girls hugs.

"I'm not getting my hopes too high, Hails," I replied.

I gave one last wave before dragging my blue suitcase down the stairs, finding the man talking with Ms. Martha and signing papers. "I don't want you to go!" Talia sobbed, hanging onto my leg.

He looked Puerto Rican and had his long black hair in a bun of some sort. He looked up with big, brown, eyes and smiled at me.

"You're Jaelyn right?" he asked, his eyes flickering to the little girl I was now holding.

I nodded and he said, "I'm Lin."

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