Chapter 11

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Two or three months passed and I grew less jumpy and was able to get a few more hours of sleep at night without the nightmares, but that was about all the progress I'd made.

"Ready, Jae?" Lin called.

I gave my hair one last quick look in the mirror then ran to the living room. It was the first time I'd been able to actually do anything to my hair since I got back. I was too scared to touch it too much, for fear of a flashback. But that morning I'd gathered up the courage and managed to put a head band in. I was very proud of myself and you couldn't wipe this grin off my face for anything.

Lin looked at my headband and grinned. "Looks good, Jae," he said. I smiled wider and said, "Thanks." "Bye, Vanessa! Bye, Seb!" Lin and I called. We left and went down to the garage, climbing into Lin's car.

"So I've got a question for you," Lin said. "Alright, shoot," I said. "You know how Renee left a few weeks ago right?" Lin asked. I nodded slowly, confused. I remembered Renee's going away party clearly.

"Well today we're holding auditions for the new Angelica. Don't kill me, but I signed you up," Lin said. That took a second to sink in, but when it did, my eyes widened and  I shouted, "You did what?!" Lin jumped a bit and said, "I already picked you out a song." "Y-You- wh- What song? Do I know it?" I asked. "Yeah, I've heard you sing it in your room. You've got a great voice, Jaelynn," Lin said. "Dad, I can't do an audition," I said, beginning to panic.

"You'll do great Ja- what'd you just say?" Lin asked, his voice quiet as he pulled into a parking garage. "I said I can't audition, Dad!" I repeated, then realized what I'd said. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't-," I began but stopped when Lin wrapped his arms around me. "Don't apologize, Jae. If you're comfortable with it, I'd love it if you started calling me Dad," he said, letting go and smiling at me. I grinned and nodded.

Then I remembered what he'd done and my smile dropped as the panic rose again. "What song am I singing?" I asked as my hands began shaking. "Breathe from In the Heights," Li- Dad said. "I took a shaky breath and nodded. I knew that song like that back of my hand. But what if I don't get it? I can see it now on the articles... 'Miranda's adopted daughter fails audition'...

I realized I was following Dad into the building and I broke into a cold sweat. "Hey, you got this, ok?" Dad said, kissing my forehead. I nodded shakily and followed him to the waiting room. "Who's the casting director?" I asked. "We hired a new one recently, named Joe. I told him about you, and-."

"But what if he picks me just because I'm your daughter?" I asked nervously. "He won't. As I was saying, he already said he's going to be fair," Dad explained. I nodded shakily and didn't say anything.

Dad handed me my resume that he'd already filled out. The picture was one that David had taken of me on our date last week. "Jaelynn Miranda," a voice said, making my blood run cold as I looked up. "Jae. It's ok if you don't want to do this," Dad said worriedly. I shook my head. I made myself stand and followed the lady to a room.

Three people were sitting at the table. Two I recognized, and I couldn't tell if that made me feel better, or worse. "Hey, Jaelynn," Tommy Kail said, smiling kindly at me. I gave him a shaky smile. I handed Tommy my resume with shaky hands, then backed up a bit.

"I-I'm Jaelynn Nic- Miranda and I'm auditioning for Angelica." This is what I was supposed to say, right? Why were they looking at me like that? Do I have something on my face? Was I not supposed to say that? I took a shaky breath then nodded at the piano guy. He began playing the opening keys to Breathe and I began relaxing.

I sung my heart out and could only hope they liked what they were hearing. They were very good at the poker face. "Very good, Jaelynn," Alex Lacamoire said.  I smiled, but could imagine they probably said that to everyone.

"Now, we know Angelica doesn't dance, but we'd still like you to do a dance audition. Our dance captain, Stephanie, will teach you a quick dance, then you'll come back in a few minutes, ok?" Alex explained. I looked over and saw Stephanie in the doorway. I grinned at my friend then turned back to the men and said, "Thank you."

I ran over to Stephanie and gave her a hug. "You sounded awesome!" she exclaimed. "Thanks," I smiled. What if she was just saying that because she was my friend?

I followed her to a different room where she taught me a somewhat difficult dance. Let's just say I didn't have the dancing gene. I totally flopped the dancing part of the audition after I tripped over my own foot. My face burned red with embarrassment after I finished.

"Thank you, Jaelynn. We'll get back to you," the guy in the middle said. He must've been the guy Lin- I mean Dad was talking about. I nodded with a small smile and said, "Thank you for  your time."

I left and Dad stood. "How'd it go? Steph said you had a little trouble with the dancing part?" he asked. "I flopped it. I tripped over my own feet," I said glumly. "I'm proud of you, Jae," he said, smiling. "Why?" I asked, looking up at him. "It took a lot of courage to go in there. I couldn't be more proud of you," he said. I gave him a small smile and we went to the car, heading to the theater.

The next morning, I woke up to my phone ringing. "Hello?" I asked sleepily. "Jaelynn? It's Tommy. We'd like you to come for a callback."

A/N: I don't know how Broadway auditions work, so I made it like my theatre group's auditions. Sorry I've been gone! Comments are appreciated!

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