19. The Prep Day

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LOVE THE BANNER FROM, ONCE AGAIN, @ethnicallyconfused. I absolutely adore it, thank you!

I quickly put the cell phone back onto the table as I heard footsteps emerging from the kitchen.

"For you, your highness." Nathan said dryly, making me look up innocently to see him holding out a plate of grilled cheese for me.

I rolled my eyes and took it. "Thank you, peasant." I saw him scowl at me before turning back to the movie. It was currently at the part where Buddy's dad was bailing him out of jail.

"And for you my good sir." Nathan said now to Dustin who giggled and took his grilled cheese with a thank you.

After Nathan came back with his own plate of grilled cheese, the three of us continued to watch the movie, laughing every five minutes. No matter how many times I'd watched this movie, it still got a good laugh out of me.

After about half an hour, a loud groan from our right caused us to turn and see Max's head slowly moving.

"Nathan. How many times do I have to tell you... You need to stop knocking people out with those damn gadgets of yours." He growled, before blinking a few times and then noticing his tied up hands.

I turned to shoot Nathan an unimpressed look.

He simply shrugged. "Well now that you're finally awake, we should start talking." Nathan said, switching off the TV.

"Hey!" Dustin and I protested at the same time.

"You guys can watch this later, right now we have some important stuff to discuss." Nathan explained, giving us both a stern look.

"Alright which dead man tied me up!?" Tyler growled, now wide awake too.

I gulped and looked to Nathan for help.

"Your own blood that's who." Nathan quickly ratted me out.

Oh he was gonna pay for that...

Tyler turned his head towards me slowly with a scary glare.

"Oh come on, he's the one who told me to do it! Plus, might I remind you that he's also the one who knocked you all out." I defended, smirking at Nathan after.

"Yeah man, what was the point of that?" Landon groaned out, only now coming into consciousness.

"Because you were all fighting like a bunch of girls." Dustin explained simply, causing the room to grow silent.

"That's still no reason to knock us out!" Landon protested.

"Yeah man, not cool." Jordan agreed with Landon.

"Okay whatever, sorry I knocked you out. Happy? Now can we all shut up and listen to me? Or am I gonna have to gag you guys too." Nathan gave them each a long stern look.

After a lot of glaring, flaring nostrils and rolling eyes, the four boys sighed and agreed to Nathan.

"Good. Now. Tomorrow is a big day for us. So we have to make sure we all know what to expect. Let's go over this one last time." Nathan said, capturing everyone's attention. Well, everyone's except mine and Max's. I was currently mocking Nathan since I was still sitting on the sofa with his standing back to me, while Max was trying to make the weirdest faces when Nathan's eyes were not on him. I blame the fact that Nathan sounded too much like my chemistry teacher right now.

"So, the first step. We knock out Ryland's guards. I double checked with Ryland and he's taking along four of them. Anyways, after we knock three--" Nathan was cut off by a loud knock on the door.

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