31. The Surprise

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I watched the soft clouds moving past us from underneath, hiding away all that was below and bringing a sense of escape. There was something so tranquil about being weightless in the sky, away from everything. I had truly enjoyed the past five hours.

Shutting the airplane window and cutting out the light now, I turned to my right to see Nathan's peaceful face, fast asleep.

I couldn't help but smile at the sight. Before I even realized what I was doing, my hand brushed back a few stray hairs on his forehead, gently. I watched as his long lashes fluttered a few times, before opening fully.

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty." I teased softly as he stretched out his legs in front of us. He had been sleeping for a good two hours, looking a lot better now as he awoke. He had told me that he'd driven straight to me from the airport, and this was his second flight in the same day. So of course I was happy when my stubborn boyfriend finally dozed off and caught up on some sleep at least.

"Now can you at least tell me how long we have until we land in wherever it is that we're landing?" I asked him hopefully as he adorably blinked away the last of his tiredness.

You'd think that it would be impossible to get on a flight without knowing where you're headed to. I mean, there were plenty of giveaways that could tell you, like the captain making constant announcements, the small screens overhead with the small map, or even simply turning to someone around you to ask. But Nathan being the committed and brilliant kidnapper that he was, decided to go against all odds.

Every time the PA would come on, Nathan would slap his hands over my ears and sing loudly so I couldn't hear. Every time the map popped up on the screen above us, he'd obscure my vision or sometimes even surprise me with a kiss, which I hate to admit worked in distracting me. And if someone around us started to have a conversation where the name of our destination could possibly slip out, he would loudly talk over them.

I was surprised they hadn't thrown him off this plane yet.

He had even threatened me before dozing off that if I tried to figure it out myself, he'd never cook for me again to ensure the surprise would remain a surprise.

Although it was starting to annoy me that I still didn't know where we were even going, I had to admit it was sweet how hard he was trying to keep this a surprise, and the least I could do was make him happy.

But I still wanted to throw his arse out the window.

"We're almost there princess, patience." Nathan smirked at me.

I glared at him. "That's what you said two hour ago before you dozed off." I said flatly.

"Oh yeah." Nathan chuckled, but stopped once he saw my murderous look. "Well, now we're twice as almost there as we were before." Nathan grinned.

"Come on. Don't get me more riled up." I warned.

"But I love doing that baby cakes." Nathan winked at me, looking like he was enjoying this.

I wondered if he'd enjoy being chucked off this plane.

"Nathan you at least owe me this! And don't call me that." I frowned.

"Whatever I owe you is about to be paid soon, doll face. And why not sugar pie?" He asked, feigning innocence.

I tried to come up with an answer, before settling with every woman's free pass. "I find it sexist."

Nathan simply rolled his eyes at that. "I literally call you princess all the time."

"Well start calling me your highness." I shrugged.

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