21. The Flappy-Flying Gang

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I sucked in a breath as the person who scanned the boarding passes took my stolen ones from my hands. The fact that I could get caught and thrown into jail was terrifying to say the least.

"Here you are ma'am. Enjoy your flight." The lady said to me with a smile, handing me back my stolen boarding pass and passport.

I internally relaxed and gave the lady a smile back, before following another flight attendant who was in front of me into the long narrow tube that connected to the plane.

"So, how's Devin doing?" The flight attendant ahead of me asked me as she slowed down to match my pace. I was surprised she hadn't noticed that I wasn't who she thought I was. But then again I had my hat lowered to cover half my face.

"Oh Devin? He's doing great actually!" I quickly replied, crossing my fingers that I had answered right.

"Ooh!" She shot me a small wink. "You two still hookin' up?" She asked me with a dirty grin.

I held back a gag as I realized this 'Devin' was my stolen identity's boy toy. What even made me want to gag more was the fact on how interested she was with this girl's sex life. I remember back when I was a kid, the adults around me would all avoid the 's' word itself and couldn't say it without whispering it discreetly. And this little attendant can go about throwing the word around loud for all to hear without the slightest bit of hesitation. Seriously. This world really bothered me at times.

But deciding not to gag and give this lady a whole rant on what I was thinking, I settled with a sad sigh. "No. I haven't heard from him in two days." I tried to say in my best depressed voice. In truth, I wanted to burst out laughing.

"Oh honey! I'm sure he can't stop thinking about you." The lady tried to comfort me as we slowed down once the entrance of the plane came into view.

"You really think so?" I asked her with a hopeful voice. How long could I hold this up until I burst into giggles?

"Sweetie, I know so." She winked at me, before turning to step aboard the plane and greeting the pilot.

I followed suit, doing the same as her. So far so good.

I followed the lady like a lost puppy as she walked down the empty aisle, not breaking her speed in those high heels.

I struggled to catch up. By the time she got to the very end, I was panting. These heels sure gave me a workout. Maybe I should start wearing them more often.

"Hey, Stacey and I are going out for a drink once we land, you wanna join?" The lady asked me as she put her small suitcase in a compartment inside a small space.

I did the same, sliding my victim's suitcase into the cubby next to the lady's. Although I didn't need it, I didn't want to look suspicious. "Oh actually I've got other plans." I said to her.

"That's too bad." She gave me a frown, before looking over my shoulder and grinning. Before I could attempt to move out of the way, she pushed past me with a squeal.

I grabbed onto the door of the washrooms to keep myself upright, before turning to see the lady hugging another flight attendant with platinum blond hair.

"Stacey!" The lady yelled in joy, before letting go of her.

"Hey Jen." She smiled back at the lady. So that's what her name was...

"Hi Debra!" Stacey said to me now, coming closer for a hug.

My name was Debra? Really? It couldn't be something badass like Violet or Scarlet?

"Hey Stacey!" I said with a grin, throwing my arms around her like I had known her my whole life.

"You look different." Stacey commented as we pulled apart.

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