22. The Building of Doom

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I. Hated. This.


Nathan had failed to mention that this ride would be longer than an hour.


Also that the path to the building we were headed to would be extremely bumpy.


At least this was feeding up my adrenaline and anger so I could lash out at Ryland's evil henchmen like a ninja when we got out.


I was just about to start screaming and ruin the whole plan but stopped myself when I felt the vehicle come to a slow stop.

I stopped myself from flailing my arms out and crying in glee. I really wanted to kiss the ground and probably would have if someone would let me out.

I heard doors opening, then some voices coming nearer.

Then suddenly, without warning, the suitcase that I was currently in was flung into the air and I had to bite down on my tongue to stop a scream at the sudden loss of gravity.

The suitcase fell painfully down and hit against this dead man's leg as he grumbled. "What did you ladies pack? We're only here for one night." I recognized Ryland's voice through the suitcase.

Well that's offensive...

"Oh, here. Let me grab that for you." I heard Landon's voice speak up from nearby and sighed in relief.

I felt myself being swung forward and heard Landon let out a grunt as he caught the suitcase.

There was a pause of silence and I had no clue what was happening, but it seemed tense.

"Can we go now? I'd really appreciate it if I could see my sister." Nathan finally cut in, breaking the silence.

I heard Ryland start to say something, but he was cut off by a phone ringing.

The next part of the plan was now activated...

"What?" I heard Ryland snap into his phone as he answered.

There was a small pause and I heard Ryland suck in a breath, before going all ballistic on whoever had to explain to Ryland that I had disappeared.

"What the hell do you mean she's gone!? She's just a pathetic lightweight teenage girl! How could you fools let her escape!? I want every man searching the whole apartment. I want them to search the whole town for her. I want you to hack into any surveillance cameras nearby. And don't let the little boy out of your sight. Am I clear?" Alvin's chipmunk squeak was for the first time not present in his tone when he spoke.

I heard some shuffling, before he spoke up again. "You. Did you know anything about this?" Ryland suddenly asked at who I assumed was to Nathan.

"No. I made sure she was locked in her room and threatened her into staying." Nathan easily lied.

There was a small pause, then I heard Ryland curse.

"Tell you what. You go see your beloved sister and stay here until I get back. It should take under a couple of hours to find her. Try anything funny and my men won't hesitate to hurt you or your sister." Ryland ordered.

"You have my word." Was all Nathan said.

Then, I heard Ryland's small feet skittering off in a hurry as he left.

I was about to sigh in relief, but then Ryland stopped and spoke up again.

"One of you. Come with me." I guessed he was talking to Landon, Max and Tyler.

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