Avengers meet baby (Y/n)

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Loki POV

When the light was gone, I saw a pile of (Y/n) clothes. Something was squirming underneath them. When I removed some of them, what I saw wasn't (Y/n) (your young adult self) it's was a younger version of herself, Looks about 1 year old.

When she opened her eyes, they look up at me and tears started to form. I pick her up and hold her up in front of my face.


I almost drop her when she start crying. I didn't know what to do and start think of ways to stop her crying.

I remembered when I was baby Frigga would sing me a lullaby to put me to sleep.

Loki: *sigh* welp here's goes nothing.

Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high, there's a land that I heard of in a lullaby. Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.

Someday I'll wish upon a star, and wake where the clouds are far, behind me.
Up where troubles melt like lemon drips, above the chimney tops,
That's where you'll find me.

Somewhere over the rainbow,
bluebirds fly, birds fly over the rainbow. Why then, oh, why can't I?

If happy little bluebirds fly, beyond the rainbow, why, oh, why can't I?

(This song was made by Judy Garland. It's called somewhere over the rainbow and it's in the wizard of oz made in 1939)

When I finish sing, (Y/n) was fast to sleep. I gently put her down on my bed and surrounded her with pillows so she wouldn't fall and quietly walk towards my door and opened it.

I closed it quietly and I went to the elevator, press a button, and appeared  in the living room where all the avengers are in.

Loki: ummm guys we have a problem.

Thor: *sigh* what did you do now brother.

Tony: ohh Loki in trouble.

Natasha: shut up tony.

Natasha smack Tony behind the head.

Tony: ow.

Loki: you might want to come look and see.

Steve: OK, but it better not be any monsters that you summon last time.
(Loki accidentally or should I say on purposes summon up some monsters because Thor was being a annoying loud brother and Tony won't stop calling Loki reindeer games and he keeps telling him like million of times to stop calling him that)

They all followed me to my room and when I opened the door they all gasp.

OK I'm going to put Bucky Barnes, Vision, and the Maximoff twins.

Oh and also if you're wondering what the avengers were doing in the first chapter well here it is! ^ • ^

Bruce and tony was doing drunk science XD

Steve is showing Bucky new things that they didn't have in the past, even though Steve still might know nothing

Natasha on a mission fighting bad guys butt

Clint in his hawk nest

Vision.... I don't even know what he doing

Pietro running around the world and Wanda hanging out with Pietro (seriously people I have nothing for Wanda)

Loki doing magic and spells in his room

And last but not least

Thor demanding people to give him some pop tart XD

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