First Kiss-mas -PewDieCry-

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A/N: Merrrr. Sorry for the corny title! |D kill me if you want!

Merry Christmas!

Ho-Ho-Homos! //shotdead

-Pom Gets WiFi reference!~

Had nothing to do, so yeah. :D *pretends she has nothing to do when she has journalism papers and stories and Christmas and asdjdkskjsk*

Have a oneshot... drabble... thing! Merry Christmas, guys!

Have some sparkles to go with those Christmas lights!

( ' ▽ ' )ノ'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

I'll be quiet now. oh wait.


I'll stop being mean and loud, sorry for the long thingy.

That's what she said. //shot (long note.)

Enjoy the story!



I stepped out of my apartment, and as I closed the door, continued adjusting my coat and started to take a stroll outside.

Well, it was winter, and Christmas was tomorrow. I thought to myself this morning, 'I might as well buy gifts for some of my friends,' so here I was, looking around for a few stores.

Trying not to look suspicious because of my mask on the way, I've been raising it for my mouth to show and then gave a few friendly smiles. Fortunately most of the people weren't as hostile or paranoid as I thought they'd be around me.

Just as I walked out of the last store, I accidentally ran into a slightly taller person.

"Woah!" I heard someone exclaim, though I didn't know if it was the other person or me.

"I, uh, I'm sorry!" I bowed my head. As I looked up, I encountered some unexpected event.

"Huh?" I blinked and had quite the shocked face. "Pewds! ... Hey." My expression softened into a gentle smile.

"Hey, Cry!" he grinned and placed his hand over the back of his neck. "How ya doin'?"

I chuckled a little. This was entirely the least I expected today. "Nothing much, just buying... stuff?"

"I can see that," he laughed, making me smile as well.

"What might've brought you here? I mean, you're gonna celebrate Christmas here?" I asked.

"Well, yeah, since we already spent Christmas there in the UK for a long time now," he replied. "How about you?"

"Well, I guess I'm just gonna stay here, spend time with the people and events that's gonna happen," I lifted my mask up slowly and smiled, the gesture slowly becoming habitual.

We walked through the last few stores, having little conversation every now and then, from the games we'd been playing to the condition of Florida, Sweden and UK.

Just as we were out from the bookshop we recently got into, I felt something dangling over us, and I had this warm yet bad feeling.

Looking closely, I could see that Pewds was having the same feeling too.

I placed my mask back firmly into my face, and as I looked up, slowly, I found this to be a very awkward moment.

A mistletoe. Hanging from some sort of branch.

Whoever put this up had to be quite the sneaky one.

Yet this feeling was... weird. In a positive way, though.

Glancing over at the blond in front of me, he was slightly blushing, but smiling.

"Ooh, those guys are under the mistletoe! Ya know what that means, dude!" One of the girls who might have obviously seen us was probably talking to her friend.

"Yeah, and-- wait, is that--?"

"It's Pewds, I know! And that guy's mask is so Cry!"

'Well, they're keeping their distance from us, all right,' I thought, with an inward sigh. 'But what the heck is going on..? Are we really supposed to...?'

Without warning, the Swede inched closer to me, and I felt complete warmth creeping up to my face in bashfulness.

"They're actually gonna kiss?! Whoa!" I heard a whisper-yell behind me. Most probably one of those two girls.

"Hey, don't worry about it, Cry, 'kay?" Pewds carressed the sides of my mask, then kissed the part where my actual mouth was.

I heard squeals from the girls behind me. They sure couldn't contain the fangirl emotions in them, huh? (A/N: It's my best friend and me. XD)

"I thought about... seeing you later in the evening?" he smiled sheepishly at me, practically inviting me to dinner.

Unable to speak, I merely managed a small nod, and he waved. "Well, bye, then!"

As we parted ways and I was on the road home, I touched the part of the mask where that cheery blond man placed his lips onto.

Sure, it was indirect, but I somehow felt the kiss quite vividly.

It felt... quite... wonderful... as a first kiss...


A/N: Hope you guys liked it! Or loved it, if you actually did. ( ' ▽ ' )

Vote, comment, share, etc. I appreciate it. :D

Merry Christmas! Have a memorable one! Happy New Year too. :3

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