Hiccup -PewDieCry-

229 13 2

|| Cry ||


I covered my mouth in embarrassment. What the fuck, why now? I thought.

I gingerly removed my hands from my mouth, in deep silence, as I stared at Pewds, sitting beside me in the couch, happily eating his chips.


"Cry, are you okay?" Felix asked as he looked at me and chuckled. "Are you drunk or something?"

"Hell no!" I answered. "I'm sober!"

He stared at me, amused and silently staring, as if he was waiting.

... *hic*

Pewds burst into laughter. "You're having a hiccup bout!"

"I know, Pewds," I rolled my eyes. "You don't have t-- *hic* God dammit!"

After a few seconds, while Pewds continued to be amused at me, I held a breath for a long time, about 30 seconds, before letting it out.

"... Gone," I said proudly to myself after a few seconds.


... It wasn't.

"Pewdie!" I yelled.

"Whaat?" he said, voice muffled because of the chips being stuffed into his mouth.

"Hel-- *hic* ..." I grew silent for a while because I was already pissed off. "Help me with this thing!"

"What thing?" he said, as if he knew nothing.

I waited, and then a *hic* was my response.

He grinned. "I know of a solution."

"Then tell me!" I pouted.

"Drink water," he simply said.

And so I went to the kitchen lazily, to do what he told me.

After downing a glass, I sighed. "This better work."

... *heup*

The sound of my hiccup just changed itself.

I gruffly walked into the room and sat on the bed. Sighing, I glanced at Pewds, who looked back at me.

I stifled the sounds this time, so Pewds could only see the sudden millisecond-long rise and fall of my chest, as if I was being revived by a defibrillator.

"So...?" Pewds started.

"... Didn't work."

"Aw," he pretend pouted, and I sighed.

*heup* ...

"Hey, I have something else," Pewds smiled. "But I'm not sure if it'll work."

"Then? What is it?" I asked with enthusiasm.

"You'll need me to help," he explained.

"Then go!"

"Are you sure?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah!" I nodded.

... *heup*

"Really su--"

"Fuck it, just go!" I said loudly.

Within a few seconds, he quickly took my head by my chin, and lifted it up. Then, he brought his face close to mine, waiting patiently for something.

... *heu--*


My eyes widened, and just as I was about to kiss back, he pulled away.

I covered my mouth, not because a hiccup was coming on, but because I was flustered. "Pewds..."

"What?" He grinned. "You okay now?"

I waited for a while, and when nothing came, I grinned. "Yeah... Th... thank you Pew--"


... That wasn't me this time.


A/N: WELP! Screw me for not reviewing for the exams tomorrow!

I'm fucked! Yay! XD

Now let me study before my grades go downhill. TTuTT

-CryaoticToastPie, anyone? ^-^

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