Idea #1 -The Cinnamon Pie Wars-

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Gahd dammit I don't know how this came into existence all because of a single error my friend made XD

So, one day Mizuki and I were messaging each other, and she accidentally said something like:

"You can't hide anything from the Pewdie

pie emperor"

-accidentally pressed enter without knowing-

We both went "Pie emperor?!" and all of a sudden we were narrating something that sounded stupid but at the same time a cool idea for a story:

"He is the emperor of the mighty pies!" -Me

"He fights for the pies and if he can, he will die for them. He lived with his wife named Marzia in Italy, but then travelled all the way to conquer the pies in the USA. The emperor succeeded in his mission, thus calling himself the 'Pewdie Pie Emperor.'" -Mizuki

"*in the tune of A Whole New World (is still addicted to that)* Pie empeeeeroooooor! The moo-oost baaadass of them aaall!" -Me

"Oh! Cry is going to be the mistress!" -Mizuki

He is always, ALWAYS included in these PewDiePie things when we talk about them XD

"And in turn, Marzia turns out to have another man too *gaaasp* Ken! (cliche)" -Me

"The two men discovered about this, and thus the Cinnamon Pie war begun." -Mizuki

"The Toast versus the Pie." -Me

"The Mistress and the Pie." -Mizuki

"Goddammit XD" -Me

Turns out, we are trying to make a story out of it!

P.S. Help me-- no I mean us with the title! We keep arguing about the names of the story =w= I think The Cinnamon Pie Wars seems awesome though :D

So if Pewdie's is the Pie Empire (pfft this is all inspired from our World History, the Punic Wars, the empires and all), then Ken's is the Toast Kingdom.

So far, we made Cry the leader of Ken's troops and stuff.

Pairings would be:

Ken x Cry x Pewds (later in the story I think idk)

Ken x Mary (beginning; she was so important and significant so I had to add her :'D)

Pewds x Marzia of course! :]

Mr. Chair x Piggeh (what we did was Mr. Chair would be originally on Ken's side; I dunno. Romeo and Juliet? XD)

Russ x Red

Some of the characters we might be putting in would be Jennifer, Stephano, Gonzales, and the Bros on Pewds' side; Cry, Mr. Chair, and the Barrels on Ken's side because why not; Minx (she and the rest have no sides), Krism, Smosh, Scott Jund, Snake... I think that would be it?

Stay tuned, because just in case, I might be putting up the story here on Wattpad. XD I don't know, it sounds so weird but so awesome at the same time! It will take time to finalize the plot too.

Stay awesome bros and toasty my friends. Take care guys. Bahaaai~ (Mashup of Pewds, Ken and Cry's outros heh)

-CryaoticToastPie, anyone? ^-^

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