A Love Once Sweet -PewDieCry-

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A/N: Remember those times when I said I'll write some ship else for a change?

I am one terrible, terrible promise keeper.

I'm so sorry. XD

WARNING: This contains unpleasant things. By unpleasant, I mean those pretty brutal things. You don't know? Well, then, in simpler terms, it has graphic violence (do you call that that?), or gore themes. If you're disturbed by these, please do not read. Thank you.


The chairs in the classroom clattered as some students exited, happily skipping out of the room since their tutoring sessions were done. "Let's hang out today, guys!" A young man had suggested to his group of friends as they walked out altogether.

Pewds, Cry, and their homeroom teacher were the only ones left inside the room. The two students were still getting ready to head out. The raven-haired teacher, who was just around her twenties, was talking to someone on her phone, discussing another faculty meeting. Pewds was left in wonder about this.

"Yes, I'll be right there, Mr. Principal," she spoke as she quickly grabbed her purse that sat on the table.

The teacher turned to the two boys who were just sweet-talking while putting away their books and pens. "Excuse me, Pewds and Cry?"

They both turned, and Pewds answered, "Yes, ma'am?"

She hastily handed them the key to the room. "I'll have to be in a meeting with the principal and the other teachers. I'll trust you two with the classroom. Just make sure everything is in order, and you may leave once you're done. Will that be okay?"

Both nodded. "Sure, ma'am!" And as they watched her leave the room, Cry moved to arrange the chairs, while Pewds picked up pieces of paper lying on the ground.

During this, the blond stopped for a while, and moved his eyes towards the other guy. "Hey... Cry...?"

"Yes?" Cry said in a sweetly happy tone, and smiled at Pewds, making the latter's heart break into pieces at what he was going to do with his lover. He had to tell him something, inform him that he had to leave...

"It... it's about us," he stated, averting his blue eyes away from the brunet. He didn't know where to start first. The thought of being separated with Cry was painful, but the blond thought it was for the best.

His mouth was dry, but he still managed to speak as calmly as he could possibly do. "I... think we should end our relationship..." Pewdie paused. "R... right here, right now." His voice started to quiver. He tried to hold back his tears, and he actually was able to.

Cry's eyes widened, but then he tried his best to smile. "You're joking... I'm pretty sure you're... kidding, right...?" He was only assuring himself now. The turn of events was real.

Pewdie's expression saddened, and as a tear rolled down his face, he bit his lips and shook his head. "I-I'm sorry... I--"

"You what...?" Cry interrupted. "Was it... some... something... I d-did to you...?" His smile faltered as he broke down in front of his lover, having a fervent urge to yell and sob loudly, but tried not to, for the sake of the people who might hear.

"I..." Pewds hesitated, and inched as cautiously as he could closer to Cry. "I-I'm... moving... to someplace else."

Cry's cobalt eyes slightly enlarged. Why hadn't he heard any of this before?

But, that doesn't mean we should break up, right? He thought.

"W-..." Cry wiped his tears and stayed still, staring at the floor. "We can just call each other on the phone, you know...?" Cry forced yet another smile on his face. "Wh-Why break up...?" His tone abruptly changed. It sounded sorrowful, yet angry. Angry at the guy who wanted to end their relationship so suddenly and quickly.

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