Video Game [Part 2] -PewDieCry-

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A/N: Welp.

I think I'm filling this with so many PewDieCry things.

ANYWAY... Let me introduce you guys to a Filipino word! My classmates, schoolmates, fellow Filipino youngsters and I always feel this kind of thing. Y'know, fangirls. And people who have huge crushes.

Little trivia: 'Kilig' is an adjective that means "a fluttery feeling in the heart." Or, in other words, if you ever have a crush or a fangirl moment, it's called a 'kilig moment.' Ya know, for example, you got to have a picture beside your crush on a special day. You'd be 'kinikilig.' Sooo, yup.

It's Cry's POV this time. Hurray \(^_^)/


I had just finished the piece I was working on in my little art shed, situated far from my house. I'd placed it there because people rarely surround the said area, compared to my residence, where neighbors where scattered most of the time.

After I cleaned up and locked the shed up, I started my walk off to the bus stop.

It was pretty ironic, considering that while the area around the shelter was almost barren, the stop was crowded.

Well, weird things happen.

By the time I neared the bus stop, I noticed a vacant seat in the far corner amongst the compressed people. I then recognized the bag that was placed beside the man I was hoping to see.

"Pewds," I called out, hoping it was audible enough to him.

To my relief, he turned his head towards me, nodded, smiled, and gestured to the vacant seat.

"So, I see you reserved a seat for a masked man," I teased.

He laughed sheepishly. "Ha... Shut up, at least I trust you."

I stared at the different people surrounding us, and then averted my gaze back at him. He, on the other hand, was staring at the road, now filled with a variety of vehicles.

Oh, yeah, it's Monday.

I stared at the blond locks for a while, and thought on something, because I was bored. Sneakily and silently, I waited for the right moment, and I held my mask up so only my mouth and eye was seen, inched closer, and held my breath a bit, before...


I blew on Pewdie's ear, and he flinched, his eyes shut tight and his hand rose up to cover his ear.

The rest happened in a split second: he muttered "What the..." He turned to me, my face was still up close to him... and our lips brushed together.

My eyes widened, so did his, and we both turned away, as if in sync.

The hell did I just... I just.... Bwaaah...

By that time, even my brain and chest was freaking out, and my heartbeat increased significantly. I didn't know if I wondered why, or if I actually knew the reason, but didn't feel like admitting it.

I soon felt glances poke onto my back, hoping to be returned.




Five times and I decided to look back at the person staring at me more than thrice, who was Pewdie.

His eyes widened and his cheeks turned into a pinkish red. He wanted to turn away again, but he felt like it was of no use, and just stared back at me. "Wha... uh... Hey, Cry..."

I smirked slightly. "Why were you staring?"

He couldn't place his concern anywhere, and fidgeted, tapping his foot on the floor timidly.

I decided to put up a little facade. "From your actions, it's like you want to confess to senpai."

He chuckled, but then his reddish hue only went into a deeper shade. "It's not only that-- I-I mean...!" He shook his head. "Okay, yeah, but let's deal with that later!"

"Well, you brought it up just now," I tilted my head.

"<"But we were just left by the bus, the next one is by an hour or two and I dunno what to do!"

My smile then slowly disappeared completely and I blinked twice. "So, uh, should we take a taxi or something instead?"

"God dammit! Curfew!" He yelled into his hands, obviously not listening to what I had just said.

Well... God dammit indeed.


A/N: Sorry, er, had to end it there.

I tried my best to make it cute at least. I even attempted -and probably failed- to shove a kilig moment in there. Gah. I don't even know if it's ehh.


There will be a Part 3. I'm just thinking of writing something as a short break from school pressure. I mean, field demonstration and quizzes and lessons and JS Proms and everything else.

I'll try to make it a book somehow. Soon. I dunno. XD

So, bye chilies~

-CryaoticToastPie, anyone? ^-^

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