Little Gift -PewDieCry-

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A/N: I swear, I'll try to make something else. Probably Everlark. (Katniss x Peeta) =w=

This is becoming a PewDieCry fanfiction dump XD


Cry strided around all over the hallway, frantically turning his head and looking around here and there. Where the hell is it...?! He thought as he ran his fingers through his hair in frustration.

Pewds saw the masked brunet as he passed by. "What's wrong, dude?" The blond asked as he walked closer to the other man.

The brunet sighed, closing his eyes and stopping in his own tracks. "Uh... Lost somethin', and it's important. It's not much of a small item though, yet I keep looking every single corner." He looked over to a spot, but saw nothing but the marble floor. "Dammit..."

"... What is that important thing?" Pewds asked.

"It's enclosed in a blue box with green stripes," Cry pointed out. "And I'm not telling you what's inside."

"No fair," Pewds pouted. "But hey, can I help you? If it's okay with you..." the blond added.

"Sure, if it's not a burden on your side, then I'd be happy if you'd help," Cry smiled, heaving a slow but relieved sigh.

"Then, where was the last time you remember having that thing?" Pewds emphasized, feeling a bit jealous because it seemed important to Cry.

"Uhh, I remember bringing it to the computer lab looking for y--... someone, then I kinda passed out. I asked Russ, Marzia, Minx and Ken when I woke up in the infirmary but they said they didn't find it," Cry scratched his head.

"Okay, let's check the infirmary first," the blonde grabbed the other man's wrist, bringing him along to the said place.

The brunet spaced out all of a sudden, being very well aware that Pewds was holding his hand, practically, and sent him into a comfortably out-of-mind state.

People passing by kept staring at the two, which bewildered the blond.

"Look at those two, they're holding hands!" A girl passing by squealed. (A/N: Me. //shot)

Only because of that, Pewds realized that he was holding Cry's hand without noticing. The blond blushed and let go of the other man.

Cry suddenly noticed that Pewds wasn't holding his hand anymore, sending him back to the real world. Soon, they were in front of the infirmary.

"I'm not sure if anyone even managed to notice the box that I was bringing with me... I wonder if it's been somewhere here all along..."

"Let's just check this place to make sure. Every single corner of this room." The blond stated as he began to look under the beds. "You start looking too."

"Oh, okay." Cry searched in the corners like he always used to, but found no luck, so he decided to look around a bit more. Maybe he hadn't noticed it when he was knocked out.

"Nothing here.." The blond scratched his head.

"How about the place I lost consciousness in?" Cry suggested, adjusting his mask and starting to walk out of the room. "If it isn't anywhere else, that'd be the last place."

"Hope we find it there. C'mon, let's go." The blond said as he went out first.

Cry closed his eyes, took a deep breath, whispering some sort of mantra. "Please be there, please be there..."

Felix turned around, wondering if he heard Cry. "Did you say something?"

Cry flung his eyes open, then turned to Pewds. "Oh, nothing!" He looked forward himself again and continued to walk into the computer lab.

"So this is where you fainted, huh?" The blonde stated lazily as he walked inside the lab. "Why did you faint anyway?" He questioned his buddy who was now restlessly looking around.

"Uh, I guess... It's because I was sleep-deprived?" He ended with a light chuckle, yet still not finding that box.

"...You should take care of your body... or you'll make me worry," Felix teased, his hand caressing Cry's head.

Cry jolted at the touch, yet felt comfortable. "R-really? I made you worry?" He grinned half-jokingly through his mask.

"Y-yeah," Pewds replied, half-embarrassed. He finally turned around to search for the thing that Cry still hadn't retrieved. His feet led him to the farmost corner of the room where a tea table was found.

As his eyes focused on the object, he noticed a small box that was standing out of the messy table; it looked really beautiful, even from afar. He grabbed the box and showed it to Cry. "Is this the one you were looking for?"

Cry spun around, surprised, then went over to Pewdie. "Yeah! ... Where'd you find that?" He had an urge to snatch the box away from him, yet decided to leave it in his hands for a particular reason.

"Found it at that table over there." The blond answered as he pointed the place where he found the box. "Is it a gift from someone? ... Looks like he put all of his effort in wrapping this gift for you." Felix added, hiding his jealousy from Cry.

The brunet blinked, then slowly lowered his head, scratching the back of his neck. "Uh... I-it's from me... for someone..." He corrected.

"Ah... really?... Is this the reason why you fainted earlier?" The blond raised an eyebrow as his hands gripped it tighter. "And who might be that someone?"

Cry soon found himself muttering. "You do know full well who it is..." And he turned to look at Felix bashfully. "It's you."

The latter blushed, and his heart skipped a beat at Cry's gaze. " Wha-- this is for me?" He pointed at himself.

Cry smiled gently, nodding. "Go ahead, open it."

Pewds felt a tingling feeling in his chest. He wasnt sure if he should be happy or feel guilty for getting jealous out of nothing. Probably both.

"Thank you..." he said in a faint voice. He unwrapped the gift and saw a necklace with an 'Everyday' pendant on it. "Why does it have Everyday?"

"Because," he fumbled with the string around his neck, similar to the one on Pewds', and revealed the pendant from under his sweater, which read "Bro Day."

The blonde chuckled. "So that's how it is!" He moved towards Cry and gave him a hug. "Thank you..." he stated once again.

"No problem," he smiled, then whispered, barely audibly, "Love you."

Pewds squeezed him tighter, his lips moved towards Cry's cheeks to give him a kiss."I love you too."


A/N: I decided to post this because it's been lying around since the last few months. It's another RP with Mizuki.

Anyway, GEOMETRY GAH. Theorems and sh*t. T-T

-CryaoticToastPie, anyone? ^-^

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