Chapter 5 - The First Day

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As we drove around, we didn't talk much other than him pointing out to different locations as 'someday you should go there' or 'you should definitely check that out'.

Any other day, any other guy, I would've have told him to shut up because pointing was not going there was fun. But somehow with Jason, I was contemplated to ask if he would go with me but I kept my mouth shut. With him, the silence was comfortable. I felt nice. Five minutes later, when he had stopped talking, I fiddled with the radio.

"Hey Soul Sister, Ain't that...."

Channel Change.

"You only know you love her....."

Channel Change.

"Honey I'm good. I could've another one...."

I didn't bother changing the channel this time but switched off the radio all together. I connected my phone via Bluetooth and scanned my playlist. Settling on Cold Water by Major Laser ft. Justin Bieber, I hit play as I watched fields trail by.

No matter what the world says, I've always loved Justin Bieber. No matter what he does in his real life, he's music is catchy and his songs are always a hit.

I glanced at Jason who was drumming his fingers on the steering wheel.

"You don't have a problem with Justin Bieber?" Surprised. I asked him.

"Nope. I always thought that his music was good. Quite catchy even." He told me as he took a right turn. I didn't know why but I was happy that he didn't hate him. It was a good thing that we had something in common.

We've been driving around for almost 40 minutes, when Jason started to slow down. I looked out of my window and all I could see was a small dinner on my side and a pet shop beside it.

"We just ate breakfast." I said pointing to the diner. "I love dogs but my mom will kill me if I bought one over." I said pointing to the pet shop.

Jason smiled, ah! That smile! , and pointed to his side. It was a mall only a little small than the usual ones in New York. It was made quite attractive by lighting the pathway to it and a small fake windmill beside it. Squealing I stepped out.

"You look happy." Jason commented on my excitement.

"Why wouldn't it be?" I tried crossing the road without giving a correct answer but a very vague one. Jason seemed to believe that my excitement was because I wanted sightsee probably.

Not wanting to waste any time I stepped forward.

"Jessica!" Jason yelled as he quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me into him. I clutched onto his shirt because of the sudden action.

I looked up at him not understanding why he would want me flushed against him. Not that I minded it one bit. I could feel his muscles through the thin fabric. Those rock hard abs, I would've counted them but that would mean rubbing my hands across his stomach, and that ladies and gentlemen would be pushing it.

I looked over at Jason who was looking at my right. I understood then that I, not realizing, was coming in the path of a truck which just whizzed past me. I looked back at Jason who was staring intently at me. His eyes flicked between my eyes looking for something. I could see the worry lines on his face.

"Thank you." I mumbled. Great. Now he would think that I was some idiotic New York baboon who didn't even know how to cross the road.

"It's all right. Just mind the next time okay?" He bended his knees to meet my level and I just nodded. Jason before walking offered me his hand and I shyly took it. He led me inside and I curiously looked up at him wondering if he was feeling what I was feeling.


As we moved around I saw different stores selling different stuff from around the globe but none of them had what I was looking for.

"You know I can see that you are looking something in particular. If you could just tell me then maybe I can tell you where exactly it is." Jason said grabbing my scattered attention. I contemplated whether to tell him or not when suddenly a store named Wanderlust caught my eyes and there it was.

On the show glass. Squealing like a kid on Christmas I ran. I practically screamed when I saw that they were 50% off. I quickly took off my converse and pulled out ones in my size. As I tried them on Jason made his way inside the store.

"Cowboy Boots?" He smiled as he checked out the ones I was currently trying on.

"I always wanted them and what other place is better to buy them than Texas itself?" I grinned. The Cowboy Boots were less than what I would pay for dinner in New York so I was on the 7th cloud.

The moment we stepped outside both of us noticed a commotion outside a shop a few meters ahead of us.

"Somebody stop them. They've wrecked my shop..." A man yelled as four guys suddenly ran out of the shop and all of them had spray paints in their hands.

"What the...?" Jason was confused just like others around including me. The first three guys were hot and not just Texas hot but Oh-My-God hot. They were all laughing as they ran past me and one of them even winked at me. I turned around watching them run as I turned back around something hard crashed right into me.

I lost my balance and before I could fall butt-first on the ground, strong arms captured my waist and pulled me upright. I looked up and saw something I never expected to see in my whole life let alone Texas. It was a guy who was probably a part of the other three as he too had a can of spray paint in his hand. He has jet black hair and light green eyes.

He had the hottest jawline ever and looked straight out of a magazine's cover. He gave me a look over and smirked at me.

"Careful." He said in a rough manly voice on which I swooned over and that word no matter what it was made my heart skip a beat. He opened his mouth to say something but before he could, a few security guards started running in our direction.

After smirking one last time he ran past me and I being the starstruck girl I was turned around.

When he reached the exit I guess he felt a creep's stare as he too turned around. His stunning green eyes found my brown ones and he gave me one last smirk before he was off. I didn't move from my spot even though I could hear Jason's constant asking what happened. But I had no idea why that guy had such an effect on me.

"That guy..." I trailed off hoping Jason to get the hint to tell me if he knew who that guy was.

"Who? The guy who almost saved you from the face plant? He's Noah. He goes to our school by the way." Jason informed me. I was no more excited about the boots anymore because there was only one thing on my mind right now.



Hey Guys...I know a very short chapter but a very important character has been introduced check him out... Noah !!!

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