Chapter 4- The First Night

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Hey Guys!! First of all I am so sorry for this late upload but to be honest I had no time at all to even eat or study properly. You see, like the stupid idiot I am. I took part in this debate competition thinking it would be fun - little did I know that the one who was coordinating it was a bitch. She made my life a living hell and I hate her with all my strength. 

Anyways as an apology I've written a pretty big chapter which is almost 6 word pages. I was planning on introducing a very main and very important character in this part but that would make the chapter too long so anyways here it is

Oh Yeah and Also please check the cast list as I've made one.


After Showering, I made my way downstairs. It was a pretty sight to see, everyone had gathered in the dining room.

Aunt Cherryl was trying to make Max eat. Adrian, who was typing furiously on his phone, on my arrival glanced up and smirked at me. Jason had his back turned to me, and was stirring something. His back muscles flexed when he reached out to grab a spatula. Aunt Cherryl smiled at me through her worry lines.

"All good, Jessica?" she asked while wiping her t-shirt which was covered with soup because of Max. Upon hearing my name Jason turned around and flashed me a grin which I politely returned. After our little incident it was difficult to look him in the eyes. When everyone returned to what they were doing, I took the sweet time to study Jason.

Jason was not your regular farm boy, he was exquisite, to be honest. He belonged with elites because of his sharp features and amazing dark brown hair. Except for the blue in his eyes, nothing remotely looked which came from Aunt Cherryl's. Maybe he took after his father. I had not seen the person till now neither had anyone mentioned him.

Dinner as promised was delicious and hard to believe that Jason made it. Maybe that's why he is the apparent golden boy of the family. Soon after dinner was done, with a little conversation, I was lying on my stomach in mine and Jason's room. It was only 9:30 and I usually slept at 10:30 or 11:00. Having an hour to kill I plucked my laptop out of the charger and logged onto Skype. Soon after the face of a familiar blonde popped on the screen.

It was true that I wretched my heart that Cara and I won't be able to see each other anymore on weekends for a long time but right now I was really happy to see her.

"Banged any cowboys yet?" Yup, no 'How are you' or 'I missed you', all she is interested in is my non-existent sex life.

"Yup, I'm on many booty calls, actually I'm dressing up for one right now." I reassured her while shaking my head.

"That's my girl." She grinned apreaciately.

"You know, I might be in Texas but it is not as underdeveloped as you think."


"Yup." I heard the door open and saw Jason making his way inside. He stopped abruptly for a second and started again.

"Have to get used to that." He muttered as he looked for something in the wardrobe. I smiled when I understood that he was talking about me.

"You bitch!" Cara yelled at me making me snap my neck at her. I furrowed my eyebrows at her sudden outburst.

"I thought you were kidding. You have been there a few hours and you are already screwing guys?" She looked furious which made me laugh.

"Stop laughing and tell me how did you manage to bang such a hottie? Oh My God look at those muscles. I think my ovaries just bursted." she wiggled her eyebrows.

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