Chapter 6- The Boy Next Bed

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The rest of the day was not very exciting or adventurous at all. After shopping more a couple of things and I spacing out every five minutes thinking about that guy Noah, Jason and I had lunch at the diner. We didn't speak that much because maybe Jason realised that I was really mesmerised by Noah so he didn't initiate any conversation.

On our way back we did have a little fun. Jason let me drive a mile and took back the while when I almost ran over an old lady. Jason was truly a nice guy, and I just don't mean his looks. He was really the gentleman kind who helped everyone, one of those people who don't help to impress and I know this because many a times when he thought I wasn't looking or paying attention he would politely smile at people.

Not like a creep whose smile says I-want-you-right-now-right-here but in fact a very friendly and warm smile. He would lightly play with kids and talk to old people. And to be brutally honest all this made me very curious as to why didn't he have a girlfriend? Maybe he did, and just wanted secrecy. But all the time I've been here not once did he leave the house if it wasn't for an errand and then too he took Max with him.

Deciding on asking him when the time is right, I munched on the delicious ravioli that Aunt Cherryl made for dinner.

"So Jessica, are you excited for your first day?" Aunt Cherryl excitedly asked.

"Ummm. Yeah." I dragged along probably giving her some idea that I wasn't happy here.

"That came out wrong. I truly am but you know, hardly anybody ever changes high school in their senior year. Not that I have any kind of a problem with making friends but it will be a little harder than I had anticipated." I continued.

"Oh Sweetie. Don't you worry. I might not know you inside out but one thing I know for sure is that you are the sweetest and the friendliest person ever." Aunt Cherryl tried to comfort me. She had been trying so hard to make sure that I feel at home in a strange city no doubt it worked. I smiled at her warmly and she in return squeezed my shoulder.

"I know you would be a little scared for tomorrow but don't worry Jason will take good care of you." She added a minute later just when I was about to place another bite of that delicious ravioli in my devouring it like a beast mouth. My fork paused as my eyes widened. Jason? Take care of me? Oh shit NO. Jason would probably already think that I am stupid and now he would think that I am anti-social too.

"Umm. Thanks a lot Aunt Cherryl. Goodnight." I ate the last bite secretly moaning at the amazing taste and placed the plate in the sink.

"Goodnight honey."


As I walked upstairs thinking about all the first day at school drama before I smacked right into Adrian.

"Penny for your thoughts Milady." Adrian asked me kissing my hand. I laughed at his fake British accent and reeled my hand back from his saliva smothering kisses.

"Just thinking about tomorrow." I replied honestly.

"I am sure you will have fun and will make a lot of friends. And even if you don't Jason will make sure that you don't end up like some weird loser." Adrian smirked.

"Thanks for relieving my stress. I am all good now." I replied dryly and started to walk around him.

"Hey! I'm just kidding. C'mon Jess. Look at yourself. You are pretty and you are hot. I am pretty sure that you are not a bimbo too." Adrian knocked my forehead ignoring my glare.

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