chapter 1

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All of the pups and ryder were playing a nice game of football

Chase: skye here

Chase passes the ball to skye

Skye: hehe I call this the skye Turner

Skye does a flip and kicks the ball then rubble shouts

Rubble: goal!!!!

Ryder: nice shot skye

Skye: hehe thanks ryder

Ryder gets a call from his pup pad

Mayor goodway: ryder Ryder it's a emergency

Ryder: what's wrong mayor goodway?

Mayor goodway: an eagle has flew away with chickaleta

Ryder: don't worry mayor goodway no job is to big no pup is to small

Ryder pulls out the pup slide

Ryder: paw patrol to the lookout!

Skye,chase,marshall: ryder needs us

The pups run to the elevator skye skips besides chase and they both smile but then Marshall run in balancing on a turning bucket

Marshall: woah woah ahhh

Marshall collides with the other pup with skye on top of him

Marshall: hehe sorry skye you had a Marshall landing

All the pups laughed

The elevator went up and the pups got into their uniforms until it reached the top

Chase: ready for action ryder sir

Ryder: thanks for getting here in a hurry pups but an eagle has flew away with the mayors chicken chickaleta

Skye: an eagle *hides behind rocky*

Ryder: I'm sorry skye but I need you for this mission

Ryder taps his pup pad and shows a picture of skye and her wings in front of the eagle

Ryder: skye ill need you to get chickaleta away from the eagle

Skye: l-lets take to the s-ky

Ryder: and ill need chase

Chase ruffs

Ryder: chase ill need you to use your net to catch chickaleta incase skye don't get her

Chase: chase is on the case

Ryder: alright paw patrol is on a roll

Pups bark excitedly

Ryder goes down his fireman pole and the pups go down the slide

Chase waits for ryder

Skye: ruff wings

Skye runs and her wings fly out

Skye: this puppy's gotta fly

They start driving

Chase calls skye on his pup tag

Skye: hello

Chase: skye are you ok you seemed scared at the lookout

Skye: chase this is my biggest fear I am scared

Chase: don't worry me and ryder are here for you and my spy drone is here if you get into trouble

Skye: not helping chase

Chase: sorry

Skye: it's ok

Chase: ok we're here Chase out

Skye lands next to ryder and chase with mayor goodway

Mayor goodway: oh my poor chickaleta

Ryder: don't worry skye will get her down

Chase: I'll help skye find chickaleta

They start walking until a big wolf pounces on skye

Skye: ahhhh ryder Chase

Chase: get off skye!

Ryder runs to them

The wolf claws skye and bites her paw

Chase barges into the wolf and making him run away

Ryder: are you ok Skye?

Skye: I'm fine now let's find this *gulps* eagle

Skye: ruff wings

Skye spots the eagle and chickaleta and gets a craving

Skye: mmm eagle

Skye snaps out of it and barks the eagle and the eagle swoops in to attack her

Skye: ahhh

Ryder: chase your Drone

Chase: roof drone

The screen comes out

Chase: ruff launch

The drone starts flying around and making the eagle fly away chain the drone

Skye swoops in and grabs chickaleta and fly back down to meet ryder and chase

Ryder: chase your drone

Chase: oh yes

Chase runs to his car and comands the drone to come back

Mayor goodway: thanks ryder and the paw patrol

Skye: it's fine but I feel a bit dizzy

Skye falls down

Chase and ryder: skye!!

Skye the werepup (completed)Where stories live. Discover now