chapter 8

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Marshall starts flying to jakes mountain

Skye: Marshall please stop!

Marshall stops and turns around with a red sore face full of tears

Marshall: no skye if you knew what I had been through you'll understand but until then leave me alone!

Skye's jets malfunction and zooms past Marshall towards the desert

Skye: help!

Marshall flys after skye

Marshall: skye I'm coming

Skye crash lands in the middle of nowhere

Skye: not again!

Marshall lands next to skye

Marshall: im sorry skye I just really wanted to see her one last time..

Skye: I'm sorry to hut now where stuck here

Marshall: wait where are we?

Skye: In the middle of the desert

?: can I help you

Skye and Marshall turn around to see a small female pup smiling at them

Skye: yes my wings are broken and I can't find my owner

? Laughs then so do Marshall and skye

?: I think I can help

Marshall: what's your name?

Jewel: im jewel I'm a desert pup

( jewel is my fanatic character)

Skye: I'm skye and that's Marshall

Jewel: nice to meet you guys

Skye: you to

Jewel: ok there is a high pyramid where you can look for your owner

Marshall: thanks jewel

Jewel: no problem just follow me

Skye the werepup (completed)Where stories live. Discover now