chapter 4

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With skye

Skye: I hate him I hate him *sobbing*

?: hi young pup

Skye: who are you

?: I'm chade chases older brother

Skye: wait was you the one who attacked me

Chade: maybe so *laughs*

Skye: how do I come back to normal

Chade: you must kill me

Skye: what?!

Chade: if you want to remain a pup kill me

Skye: no I can't your chases brother

Chade: and

Skye: he'll hate me like I hate him *morphs back into a wolf*

Chade: woah it's not even dark yet

Skye: what do you mean

Chade: your a wolf but how it's not dark

Skye: woah

Chade: well I have to go now

Skye: bye chade

Chade: what is your name

Skye: I'm skye

Chade: skye what a cute name for a small pup

Skye blushes

Chade winks at her a runs into the woods howling

At the lookout

Rocky: I need to find her

Zuma: be careful dude

Rocky: I will

Rubble: we all should go

Zuma: yesh but don't twll chase

Rocky: agreed

Chase comes

Chase: hey guys what you doing?

Rubble: we're going to the

Rocky: beach

Chase: can I come

Zuma: no room sorry bye

The pups run away

Chase: hmm what are they up, I might follow them, spy chase is on the case

With skye

Skye: I might need to set up camp

Skye hears someone shouting her

Skye: rocky?

Rocky comes from the bushes and sees skye

Rocky: skye!!

Skye: rocky!!

Zuma: hey skye

Skye: Zuma!

Rubble: rubble is here on the double

Skye: *giggles* hey rubble

Rocky: erm skye could you go back in pup form please

Skye: oh sorry

Skye goes back into pup form

Rubble: thanks

Skye: no problem

Zuma: so how is it out here

Skye: good I met chases brother he is so dreamy

Chase over hears

Chase: wait what

All except chase: chase!

Chase: oops

Skye: why are you spying on us *growls*

Chsse: because I knew you guys were not going to the beach

A big German shepard appears

Skye: hi chade

Chade: hey cutey

Skye giggles

Chase: seriously

Chade: what she is

Chase: what about macy

Chade: she died

Zuma: who is that

Skye: Marshall old sister

Rocky: oh

Chade: plus skye is way cuter

Skye blushes

Chase: woah back off she's mine

Skye: you tackled me and betrayed me

Chase: to help you

Chade: chase just leave

Rocky: Yeah she was happy until you came

Chase: ugh fine

Chase disappears into the bushes

Skye: woah that was close

Zuma: I know right

Rubble: sand building contest

Chade: your on

Chase and skye go into wolf form and rocky Zuma and rubble go into their veircles

All: race ya

They run with skye in the lead but chade not far behind her

Skye: hehe I'm winning

She runs onto a road but a speeding car almost hits her

Chade: skye look out


Skye opens her eyes to see chases car broken with chase on the ground unconscious

Skye: chasey!

Chade: chase!

Skye: omg

Chade and skye go back into pup

Skye the werepup (completed)Where stories live. Discover now