chapter 10

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The pups was watching apllo the super pup when skye walked away and sat on the cushions. Chase realises and walks towards her

Chase: I'm sorry skye I just wanted to do what's best for you

Skye: i get it I just wish you didn't

Chase starts to cry

Skye: what's wrong?

Chase: I hate seeing you sad I miss the happy cheery pup who loves to fly and make everyone laugh

Skye: I miss being that pup to but I'm hoping to get it sorted just sometimes I can't control myself

Chase: what do you mean?

Skye sighs

Skye: I never told anyone this so please don't tell ryder

Chase: I won't please is something bothering you

Skye: I think I killed someone

Chase: wait what?!?

Skye: when I ran away I was so hungry I couldn't control myself someone and I think I ATE them

Skye starts to cry

Chase: no skye don't cry

Skye: I'm a monster

Chase: no skye your not your a sweet loving pup

Skye wipes a tear of her face a smiles

Skye: really?

Chase: yes that's why I-I lo-ve y-ou

Skye: I love you to!!

Skye and chase hug

Zuma walks in

Zuma: awwww

They both pull away and blush

Skye: hey Zuma you ok?

Zuma: not really

Chase: what's wrong?

Zuma: I kinda like jewel

Skye giggles

Skye: zewel or juma

Zuma: what?

Skye: your ship name!

Chase: do me and you have one

Chase pulls a smug face

Skye: skase or chye

They laugh

Chase: I love it

The rest walk in and sit on the cushions

Ryder sits on his chair next to robo dog

Rocky: why are you guys laughing

Zuma: nothing

Rubble: im hungry

Jewel: I'll get you some snacks

Rubble: thanks jewel

Jewel: no problem

She walks away

Ryder: ok Skye we have 27 hours until the flower is here do you want to stretch your legs and play for a bit

Skye: sure

Ryder: ok robo dog land us in the next clearing

Robo dog barks and lands the air patroller

They run out while barking

Marshall brings our a football but trips over and lands on the pups wanna play football

Jewel: what foot-ball?

Rubble: you kick the ball around and shoot in the opposite teams ball

Jewel: oh rock kick!

Rocky: a what

Jewel: it's like foot-ball but with a rock

Zuma: cool ok jewel skye and rocky your on my team

Skye: your going down Chase

Chase: don't flatter yourself skye

They laugh

Ryder blows the whistle

Marshall: wait we are one pup down

Ryder: you can play with robo dog

Chase: yes skye you were saying

Skye: oh dang it

They start to play

Zuma: here jewel take a shot!

Zuma passes to jewel

Jewel: ok I got It

Jewel slips pass chase and robo dog she shoots and she scores

Jewel: wait I scored

Jewel jumps around laughing

Ryder: nice job jewel

Jewel: thanks ryder

Ryder pup pad rings

Mayor goodway: hi ryder sorry but I need a few of your pups

Ryder: what's wrong

Mayor goodway: we are throwing a parade for the moonglow flower I went to grab some cakes from Mr portor but all the decorations are destroyed and every one is out of town because of the flower blooming soon

Ryder: no problem mayor goodgoodway no job is to big no pup is to small!

Ryder pulls out the slide and presses the button

Ryder: paw patrol to the paw patroller

Chase,Zuma,rocky: ryder needs us

They all run to the paw patroller

Zuma: where's Marshall

Marshall runs in but trips over the football

Marshall: goal!

They laugh and rub to their seats

( left side jewel, Zuma, rubble, skye right side marshall, chase rocky)

Chase: ready for action ryder sir

Skye the werepup (completed)Where stories live. Discover now