chapter 9

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Marshall: where are we going?

While walking next to jewel

Jewel: to the pyramid silly

Skye: omg Marshall we have our pup tags we can call ryder!

Marshall: good thinking skye!

Marshall calls ryder

Ryder: Marshall are you okay and have you seen skye?

Skye: I'm here ryder and I'm okay

Ryder sighs with relief

Ryder: where are you pups?

Marshall: we are in the desert with a pup called jewel she is going to take us to a pyramid so we can spot the air patroller

Ryder: okay ill track you guys on your pup tags and ill come get you

Skye: yay thanks ryder

Ryder: no problem

The call ends

Marshall and skye look at jewel who is blushing brighter than Marshall's flight uniform

Skye: why are you blushing

Skye said with a smug face

Jewel: who was that pup in orange he's so cute

Marshall: Zuma?

Jewel sighs

Jewel: Zuma

Skye: okay love pup we better head to

the pyramid

They hear the air patroller

Skye/marshall: ryder!

Jewel: woah that's a huge plane

Marshall: yep like ryder says go big or go home

They laugh

The plane lands next to them and ryder and the pups run out

Skye and Marshall run to hug ryder

Ryder: i missed you pups

Skye/marshall: we missed you to

Rocky: Who is that?

Skye: that's my new best friend jewel

Jewel: hi

Zuma walks out the plane

Jewel blushes

Zuma: rocky!

Rocky: hey Zuma

Jewel holds back tears

Jewel: I better go Nice meeting you guys

Skye: jewel wait stay with us please I can't loose another best friend please...

Jewel starts to cry

Jewel: it's not goodbye see you later alligator

Skye: see you later alligator?

Jewel: after a while crocodile

Jewel leaves with her head and ta  down

Zuma: what's wrong with her?

Skye: she likes you but you go out with rocky!

Rocky: we don't go out were best friends

Skye: but at the lookout I said do I smell a couple and you both laughed

Skye the werepup (completed)Where stories live. Discover now