chapter 7

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Warning a pup dies!!!

They go back

Rocky: skye do you want to start walking towards the flower

Skye: sure let's ask ryder if he wants to come to

They walk to ryder who is with katie

Katie: hi guys

Both: hi katie

Ryder: what's up pups

Skye: well I found a solution to my werepup problem

Katie: werepup?

Skye transforms into her werepup form

Katie: holy maceroni

They laugh

Skye: ok I feel a bit weird now

Ryder: ok what is the solution

Rocky: a flower that blooms every lunar eclipse

Ryder: the next one is in 2 days

Skye: we know but the cliff is far away wanna come with us

Katie: I would come skye

Ryder: I'll come and we can take everest

Skye: yay

Skye rings everest on her pup tag

Everest: is that Marshmellow

Skye: no its skye

Everest laughs

Everest: hey skye what's up

Skye: were going to a magical flower wanna come

Everest: sorry but I'm helping jake teach lessons

Skye: it's ok bye everest

Everest: bye skye

Call ends

Katie: let's go

They go outside

Ryder: pups want to take the air patroller

All: yes

They start walking in

Chase: hey skye can I sit next to you

Skye: sure chase *giggles*

They walk on the air patroller and chase sits next to skye

Ryder: ok pups I have some bad news

Rocky: what's wrong ryder

Ryder: everest has.

Marshall: has what!!!

Ryder: passed away

Marshall starts sobbing

Rubble: wha what

Ryder: she was caught in a avalanche

Skye: everest?!

Ryder: I'm sorry but she saved alex in the long run

Marshall: I dint care about alex I care about everest and she's gone... forever.

He runs away crying

Skye: Marshall wait!!

Skye runs after Marshall putting on her turbo uniform while Marshall puts on his air uniform

Skye: ruff turbo jets

Skye the werepup (completed)Where stories live. Discover now