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"C'mon! Just jump in scardy cat!" Effrin yelled from in the water.

I smiled and jumped in the water, splashing water all over him. We were currently in Bora Bora. We just got here two days ago and we had two more days before the cruise ship would take us back to Florida.

Fiji was beautiful, but nothing compared to Tahiti. I still can't get over how beautiful Tahiti was. As for the miscarriage, I was supposed to take some time off and just relax so I didn't do much site seeing with everybody in Fiji like I wanted to. That was two weeks ago and I feel great now so I'm trying to live up the last few days we have here.

I'm still upset about the miscarriage, but at least I know I can have kids of my own now. We don't have to adopt, nor do we have to have someone else carry our baby. We can do it all on our own and that really lifted my spirits. For years my doctor had been telling me that I wasn't able to have kids, but he never had a reason and now I can? That was perfect. The doctor Effrin took me to go see diagnosed why I couldn't have children. It was because of my small frame when I was younger. My body wasn't physically able to carry a child, but as I got older and put on more weight, my chances of being pregnant rose.

I had approximately five days before we made it back to Compton and I was honestly dreading it. For one, I was enjoying myself but then again I wasn't in the mood to go back. Antoine dumped Jay and now he's expecting me to do the same to Effrin but he just doesn't understand. I'm madly in love with Effrin and he knows that, but he just won't get the hint to leave me alone.

I can't just get rid of somebody I'm in love with and ready to start a family with. Jay was just for money but he won't admit it to himself that, that's all she was. Antoine's fine but after seeing how cruel he treats Jay, even though she deserves it, I could never see myself in a relationship with him anymore. I can't take the disrespect that Effrin doesn't give me. Antoine's too disrespectful, that's why he flies through women.

I swam over to Effrin, my stomach feeling better than ever. He grabbed me by my waist and spun me around in the water. "You know you're gorgeous right?" He asked as I wrapped my legs around his torso. He grabbed my ass, holding me up against him.

I smiled and nodded my head. "Yeah."

He chuckled and kissed my lips. "Damn," he mumbled, dropping me down in the water. "So how are you feeling? Like your stomach? You good baby?"


"Are you sure? I hated seeing you in that hospital bed like that," He replied, grabbing on to my hands.

I nodded my head. "Yeah, I'm sure. I feel perfect."

"You look perfect."

I felt my cheeks burn a little as I drifted off into his eyes. "Thank you."

We didn't say anything else to each other, we floated there in the water just starring off into each others eyes. I guess we were just enjoying each others company while we finally got some alone time from all of the tourists, Antoine and Jay. Everything was really starting to become a bother, except for the alone time, like now, that we're getting to spend with each other.

"Let's play a game," Effrin said never taking his eyes off of mine.

"What kind of game?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "Honestly, it's not even a game. I'm just trying to get you out of your bikini," He said, grabbing a hold of my ass.

I laughed and hit his chest. "What if somebody see's me?"

He looked around. "Ain't nobody out here and it's dark. Nobody's gonna see you."

The Sideline Story (Urban) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now