{(5)} he listens to my songs?

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We made it to the house, & i could feel my blush on my face. He keeps looking at me..and i know he's just saying i look pretty to be nice, am i that ugly for him to be looking at me 24/7?
When we got to the door Cooper started barking, so did Wolf.
I opend the door and they immediately started playing, how cute!
When we got inside they both jump on the couch and play.
I had to take a pic.
I took the pic and Joey broke the silence.
"Their so cute!"
"They are!" I sqeeled.
"Ill get some snacks?"
"Yep! Im hungry!" He sat on the couch whith the pups, i smiled.
I got some pizza and water.
             ~~~2 hours later~~~
We finished the movie, i think ots my new favorite!
I looked over to see the pups sleeping together on top of eachother.
"Aww.." i whisper.
Joey looked over and smiled.
I got up and took the trash to the can.
"You can take my bed Joey!"
"Nah thats ok.. ill take the couch!"
"No your my guest! Dont sweat  it!"
I walked to the couch.
"Night (y/n)!"
"Night Joey!"
I got up and whent to get some clothes in my room and Joey was snoring away, how cute is he!
When i got the clothes Joeys alarm whent off, it was one of my songs...My version of 'Blow Your Mind' by Dua Lipa (sorry if i spelt that wrong)
He turned it off and noticed me and turned 30 shades of red.
"Uhh.. i like that song." He looked away.
"Oh thanks i like your songs too.".
When Joey was getting decent i made breakfast.
I made breakfast talkos whith hot souce and a smoothie for the drink,joey made a video of how to make one.
When he came out i noticed he didnt have a shirt on...
I turned red, and Joey just laughed.
"Heh heh" i turned off the stove.
"What is that? It smell's so good!"
"Breakfast talkos whith hot souce..it probably dosent taste good.."
"Ill be the juge of that!" He said sitting down on a stool.
I slid the plate towards him, then the smoothie.
"haha! Thanks Joey."
When we finished we got in our bathing suits, and i fed the pups.
Joey came out.
"Shall we go to the pool?" Joey asked.
"We shall!" I yelled putting my hands up.

Thank you guys so much for reading!
Stay sweet guys!

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