{(14)} holding back the tears

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~1 week later~
I woke up to no arms wrapped around me. no Joey.
I cant believe he did that, i cant believe i did that-did i over react?
I got up and went down stairs to see Kristen and Meghan cooking breakfast.
"Hey." I said.
They looked at me and all they chould do is gasp.
I went over to the nearest bathroom and looked in the mirror.
I saw a girl whith makeup running, pale ,bags under her eyes, and a little thin.
That girl was me.
Ah, thats right im as blind as a bat in the mornings,no matter how much i try to fix my aperence ill just always look like shit.
The girls hugged me.
"Are you ok?-" "do you need someone to talk to?"
"Girls,im fine-" Kristen cut me off.
"No your not (y/n), i new you sence 1st grade." (Thats true!).
"I know but-" Kristen cut me off.
"This is all my fault!" She yeld and ran up stairs. *thump*.
I walked up stairs to find out what thst noise was.
I saw Kristen on the floor,past out.
"She hit her head on the door frame.." It was David.
Chewie ran over and started to lick her face.
David smiled. "Chews." he said and bent over.
His smile fades when he saw me.
"(Y/n)..you whant to talk?"
"No im ok...promise." he nodded.
Meghan,and Joey walked in.
How did i know it was Joey?
Well,when that person walked in i got butterflys.
"Oh lord." Meghan said and walked down stairs.
I got up and acsedently cut my cheak on the bed.(idk why)
I whent in the hallway,and Meghan walked up.
"(Y/n)! What happened?"
"I cut my cheak on the bed."
I whent in the bathroom and clean my cheak.
~Joeys pov~
Meghan walked in looking sad in a way.
"Whats up?"
"Nothing,but (y/n)'s beating herself up.."
"How so?"
"She just..*sigh* you will see when she walks in."
Just then (y/n) walks in and takes the ice pack from Meghan, and puts it on Kristens forhead.
I look at her.
She had bags under her eyes, pale, thin, and blood stained on her cheak.
My eyes start to water.
"(Y-(y/n)?" She looked at me, i could tell she was trying to hold back the tears.
She looked down at Krisp.
Meghan hugged her,she wiped back fast.
"(Y/n)! Have you been eating?! I can feel your ribs!" She yelled.
She looked down.
She broke down into sobs.
I hugged her,when i did she flinched.
That broke my heart, to see the one you love,scared of you.
Kristen woke up.
"What i miss?"
"Nothing Kristen, c'mon, you need rest-" David cut her off.
"So do you! You look weak as hell!"
(Y/n) left the room whithout a word.
"David! Can you be any nicer?! She is going through alot,and is trying to help your girlfriend!"
"Shes not my girlfriend!" He shot back.
"You had SEX whith a girl your not dateing?!"
(Y/n) walked in.
I was about to punch David.
When i looked, David was ok..
When i looked down,i saw (y/n) on the floor whith a bloody nose.
She reached up at it,and yelped.
I picked her up and put her in the car.
Where off to the hospital.
~Your pov~
I looked over to see Joey whith his face in his hands.
"Joey?" His face shot up.
"(Y/n)! Im so sorry that was ment for David!"
"Joey its ok!"
The doctor walked in.
"Ah,(y/n)! You took a big hit! Im dr.itz!"
"Hi,nice to meet you.."
"We have some meds for you to take 2 a day,1 in the mornings,1 in the night time."
"Other than that you can go home!"
"Ok,thank you."
And whith that we went home.
~At home~
David came up to me.
"(Y/n),im sorry i yelled at you."
"Its ok David!" I said whith a smile.
"I know that smiles fake..but ok." And he went to find Kristen.
I went upstairs..i got a tweet.
YouTube star Joey Graceffa seen whith another girl?
This morning at brilwoods hospital Joey Graceffa was seen whith a girl that is not (Y/n) Shugerbean!
Then it showed a pic of Joey whith a girl on his lap.
~End tweet~
I started crying.
Kristen ran into the room.
"Whats wrong?!"
I showed her the tweet.
She stormed out of the room.
She approach Joey,and slapped him.
"What is this?!" She yelled and shoved the phoun in his face.
~~Joeys pov~~
I read the tweet.
"It was Cat she made me! She ran into me at the hospital!"
"But she's in prison!"
"She got bailed out! She didnt know i was whith you,and she is moving to Ireland whith her new boyfreind!"
(I think you know who the new bf is!)
"I promise!"
She walked upstairs.
Kristen gave me the death stare.
"You better not hurt her again!"
"I whouldnt whant to!"
"Do you love (y/n)?"
"Whith all my heart."
She nodded.
I need to apologize the (y/n)..
I know how!
~Your pov~
I was in my room,drawing.
It was Joey laughing,and me sticking my toungh out.
*knock knock*
"Come in"
Joey walked in whith two bowls of fruit,and water.
He put the stuff down,and smiled.
I smiled.
He walked over to my notebook.
"Whats this?"
"You draw?"
"Its good."
He sat me down.
"(Y/n), im sorry for yelling at you, i thought that they were dating that why i thought it was ok."
"Its ok i understand-"
"No when i hugged you you flinched.."
"Thats becuse i didn't know it was you-"
"Your such a bad lier!" He laughed.
"Do u forgive me?"
He gave me a peck on the lips.

Thank you guys so much for reading!

Stay sweet guys!

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