{(8)} the powerfull *thud*

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Well Joey go's hime today, i wish he didn't.
"Bye (y/n), i love you." "me too."
We kissed, our lips moved perfectly together.
"Bye." He left i was alone once again.
I looked over a Cooper who looked sad, since Wolf left.
"Its ok bud,you will see him again." I was loving on Cooper,when i got a call.
"Oh hey Krisp! Hows Texas whithout me?"
"Its pretty good,but not the same whithout you here..how did the date go?"
"Ugh,Krisp,i said it wasn't a date!,but gusse what!"
"He stayed the night for a few night's,and he asked me to be his GF!"
"Thats awsome shugerbean! Cant wait to meet em'!"
"When do you come back to L.A?"
"Next week."
"Cool! Ttyl!" "Bye!"
~~~2 days later~~~
(Im to lazy..LMFAO)
"Come on Cooper!" I got Cooper's leash, and i hear the jingle of his coller.
I cliped on the leash. "Where off!"
We where walking on the side walk,when i got stoped by some fans.
"Omg!! Your (y/n)!"
"Thats me!" I said smiling.
"Can we have a picture?"
"Of course!" I grabed Cooper and we took the picture.
I put Cooper down and we talked for a few.
"Thank you so much (y/n)!"
"No prob! Bye girls!"
The the worst thing happend.. i looked down to see just coopers leash..he was running around in the street!!
"Noo!!" I ran into the street,not caring if i got hit.
I looked down to see poor Coopers lifeless little body surrounded by blood,and whith a broken leg.
"Cooper!" I was crying.
The man who hit him got out of the car. "Im so sorry ma'am!"
I didn't even answer, i just took Cooper, and drove to the vet, not knowing were else to go.
~~~At the vet~~~
We..or i gusse i.. got to the vet.
"I know he's dead..but can you cremate him?" "Of course..im so sorry". "Thank you".
After he got cremated him,i spread his ashes at his favorite park.
Then i just whent home.
~~At home~~
I put all of Coopers things in the closet.
I called Joey, i need to talk to someone.
"Hey baby!"
"Hey babe.."
"Whats up?"
"I have some bad news".
"Hang on ill be right over."
He hung up.
~~~Joeys pov~~~
(Y/n) called & said she ad bad news,i got in my car and headed to her place.
When i got there i knock on the door,but Cooper didn't bark like he always dose..
(Y/n) opend the door,and was crying.
I instantly hugged her.
"Whats wrong?"
"Joey..Cooper..he got hit by a car.."
She was sobbing at this point,i cried too.
"Im so sorry (y/n)!"
"Get your things you coming to my house for a few days, you can meet Meghan".
"You shure?"
She went and changed and came out whith a grey t-shirt,shorts and wight convers.
"You look amazing!"
She smiled "thanks Joey.."
I took her hand in mine "lets go"

Thank you guys so much for reading! Make shure to follow to keep up to date whith the story!

Stay sweet guys!


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