{(23)} Are We?

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⬆hey look its me⬆

                   ~Your pov~
I finally arrived at the place i was meeting Zack.
When i walked in i saw him waiting for me.
He was warring a button down shirt and jeans. Yep. He looked cute.
We were eating at (y/f/r).
We sat down and we talked for a few before the waitor came over.
"So..Zack," he looked at me. "Tell me about yourself?" He nodded.
"Well first off my full name is Zachary Walt Whitman." I nodded. "I was born in July." "And raised in here in England." "Thats all u wanna tell me?" I asked. He nodded. "Well tell me about you (y/n)." I nodded "my full name is (y/f/n)." "Um.i was born in May." "And i was raised in Texas." "Cool." He said, then the waitress came over.
"Hey yall' welcome to (y/f/r), what can i get yall today?" Zack let me go first. "Um.ill have (f/f) and a water plz."u said. She nodded and looked at Zack.
"The same, but with a tea plz." She nodded, "ok, ill be right back with your drinks." And she walked off.

We were talking about animals and our siblings, when the waitress came back.
"Ok, here is your water," she said placing it down," and here is your tea." She said. "Thank u." I said. "No problem hun, ill be back with your food." And she walked off.


We finished our dinner.
Me and Zack were talking and laughing.
When i got a text.

Joey💕: hey, were did u go?

Meh: oh just went out with a freind.

Joey💕: um. Ok, ill see u when u get home. Luv you.

Meh: ok i love you too😚
~End text~
"Who was that?" Zack asked.
"Joey..hey, i gotta leave.." i said.
"Yeah, so do i. Let me walk u to your car."
"Ok." Zack payed. And i thanked him, of course.

We reached my car and he said, "i had a great time (y/n)..i hope we can hang again soon." He said.
"Me t-" he cut me off and kissed me.
I pulled away and kicked him in the leg.
"What the hell Zack?! Im dating Joey!" "Sorry puddin' couldn't help myself." He smirked.
I walked in my car with out a word.
And drived off.

When i got to the hottle Joey was on the bed.
He stood up and said, "who were you with?" "Um. Zack." "What?! Why?!" "He said he wanted to be freinds, plus he wants to try it with Meghan!"
"But why would you do that (y/n)? Are you stupid?! That bitch would try and kiss you, and worse,  he could even try and  rape you!"
"Let me ask you one question Joey. Do u love me? Because today, you said i didn't care about any one else, and made me feel like complete shit! I went out with Zack to relax, and i come home to you screaming in my face!"
He froze " (y/n)..im so sorry..i-i didn't know you felt like that.."
I started to cry. He hugged me." Dont cry baby." He whispers in my ear. I calm my breathing, and me just hug.
For what seemed like an sentry.
"It will be ok..we are ok..the baby is ok."
I smiled. But i could only think.

'Are we?'

Thank u all so much for reading! I will see yiu guys in the next chapter!

Stay sweet!

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