{(19)} meghan's jelly

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~Your pov~
I woke up,and took a shower.
Since Joey was still asleep, i decided to see if Meghan was awake, and if we could go for a walk or something.
I texted Meghan.

Meh: hey gurll, you awake yet??

Meghan: hey, and yeah. I thought you would still be sleeping.

Meh: what, why?

Meghan: well..we have the room right next door.


Meghan: you and Joey had a blast last night, huh?

Meh: omg..

Meghan: so..want to go on a walk, and explore??

Meh: yeah, and we never spoke of this.

Meghan: speak of what?

Meh: good, ill meet you in the lobby.

Meghan: see you soon.

~End text~
Welp..that was embarrassing..i totally forgot about them being next door.
I got ready, i just wore skinny jeans, white convers, and a black tee shirt.
I grabbed my back pack, and left.

I was waiting for Meghan and decided to text Joey telling him were i went, so he won't be confused and worried when he woke up.
Meh: hey love, me and Meghan are going to go around and explore! Ill ttyl when i get home! Love ya.
~End text~

Finally Meghan arrived, and we went off and explored.

We were driving, to go eat lunch at this restaurant that i heard about from an British youtube freind of mine.
When we got there, we got a booth, and looked through the menu.
I decided to get a chicken salad, and so did Meghan, she got a Sprite, and i got water whith it.
The waiter came along,and,im not gonna lie,he was hot.
He looked me up, and down and made me feel kinda uncomfortable, but good about myself.
"Hi, im Zack, what can i get you two today?" He looked at me signaling me to go first and tell him what i want.
"Um, ill get a chicken salad, whith water please." "Of course," he smirked and looked at Meghan. "And for you?" "The same thing as her, but whith a Sprite please..." "ok, ill be back whith your food in a bit." And he left.
As soon as he did, Meghan exploded.
"Omg! He was so hot!" She whispered yelled to me.
"Yeah, he checked me out when he first came over.." she looked jellyyyy.
"What? He did? Did he look at me?" "Um, i think sooo." All of a sudden, Zack came back whith our drink's.
"Here you go, ill be back whith your food in a minute!" "Thank you." I said. He smiled and walked off.
"Ugh, he only looked at you!" Meghan said, and leaned back into the booth.
I got a text, probably from Joey.
David: hey, me and Joey are going to explore today too, see you when ever.

Meh: cool ttyl 8)
~End text~
"Joey and David are exploring too." I told Meghan putting my phoun down.
"Cool." Zack came whith our food, very quick actually.
"Here you two ladys go, let me know when your ready for your check." "Thank you." I said. He smiled and walked off.
We ate our food talking about how excited we were to be here, and to go to Japan next.

After we finished Meghan signals Zack to get the check.
He comes back whith a pen and pad.
"Here you go, have a good day!" And he walked away.
"Here, ill pay." I said. "Thank you (y/n), ill pay you back." Maghan said. "Eh, you dont have to, but ok." I grabbed the pen, and got ready to fill it all out.
He wrote something down.

Hey, here's my number, call me.

"Ohhh.." i said. "What?" Meghan looked at me. "Ill tell you in the car.." i said as i scribbled down some things on a paper.
We walked to the car, and when Meghan sat in the drivers seat, she exploded.
"What is it?!" "Damn Meghansan, calm down. Why are you, like, nervous, and eager?" "Well, you whanted to tell me in private, so you never knoww."
"Ok well, Zack gave me his number.." "what? But your with Joey.." "yeah, thats why im giving the number to you," i looked at her "you never know, you two chould hit it off!" She smiled and sighed.
"Whats his number?"

~Joeys pov~
I woke up in an empty bed.
Where is (y/n)? Im so tierd, i want to just sleep all day.
I rolled over to the alarm clock.
"Ugh, its to late to sleep in some more." I say to myself.
I get up and take a shower.
When im about to, i check my phoun. I got a text from (y/n).

(Y/n)<3: hey love, me and Meghan went out to explore, i thought I'd text you so you wont be confused or worried when you wake up. Ill ttyl. Luv ya.

~end text~
Awe, well now i know were she is.
I run over to David and Meghans room.
I knock on the door, and David answers.
"Hey Joe." He says. "Hey..Dave."
"Eww, dont call me that!" He says laughing.
"Ok,ok!" I say walking in to the room.
"So the girls are exploring so what do you want to do?" David asked.
"Um..mall?" "Sounds good!" I say.
"Ok, let me put on my shoes." He says and grabs his shoes.
"So..you and (y/n) had a awesome time yeah?" He said smiling.
"Uh, Ya.." he started laughing.
"Ok lets go to the mall."

So we went to the mall, we ate, played arcade games at the arcade, shopped a lil' bit, and thats about it.

We were on our way home.

When we got home Meghan and (Y/n) were on the couch in our hotle talking about how fun the day was.
"Hey love!" (Y/n) said hugging me.
God, how much this girl can make me smile.
I smiled and kissed her softly.
"Aweee" i herd David say.
I sat down on the couch whith the girls and said, "so what did u two do today?"
"Well, me and (y/n) went to a restaurant." Meghan said.
"Thats it?" I asked. "Um, kinda." Meghan said nodding her head.
"Kinda? What do you mean?" "Oh, just some hot guy Zack was hitting on (y/n).." Meghan said in a sing-song tone.
"What? What did u do?" I asked turning to (y/n).
"I gave Meghan his number, cuz i have a bf..duh." she said sticking out her tongue.
I smile "good." I said releaved.
I wouldn't want any sneaky shiz happening behind my back.
"So what did u two do today?" Meghan asked.
"Oh, we went to the mall, ate, played in an arcade." I said.
"Sound's fun,..no girls hitted on u tho right?" (Y/n) said. David and Meghan went to there room.
"Nope..not at all." I said getting up.
"Well thats gonna change." (Y/n) said mumbling, and she hit my butt playfully.
I gasped and turned around.
She smirked.

Thank u all so much for reading! I will see u all in the next chapter!
Stay sweet!

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