{25} Our Lil' Baby ___

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              ~Joeys pov~
I wake up next to (y/n).
Its about 1:32 am, so we need to leave soon.
I get up and go next door to David and Meghan.
I knock on the door and a sleepy Meghan answers.
" hey Joey." I smile, "morning Meghan.." she looks behind her, then looks back at me.
"David is still asleep..when do we need to get out of here?" "Eh. About 2:20?" She nodded. "Is (y/n) still asleep?" "Yeah ill wake her up in a sec..i need to pack up our stuff." She nodded and said, "you are such a gentleman, i need to pack up me and David's stuff while he sleeps." I laugh.
"Ill see you in a few Meghan." She nodded and closed the door.
I head back over to our room and pack up our stuff.

               ~Your pov~
I wake up to hearing Joey singing his version of Collar full by Panic! At The Disco.
I smile and sit up.
"Nice singing." I say as i yawn.
He looks at me and blushed.
"Thanks.." i giggle and get up to go grab my suitcase to pack it but..its already packed..
"Did you do this?.." i ask.
"Yep. I thought i would let u sleep in for a bit. You are pregnant after all." I kiss him "you are wonderful.." he says "i know!" And smiles.
I laugh and go to the bathroom.
I stop and look in the mirror.
I gasp. "Joey!" He runs in. "What?!" "Shh! People will here you!" "Well you yelled my name!" "Look!" I say as i turn to the side and lift up my shirt.
My lil' baby bump is starting to show.. a little bit.
Joey smiling puts his hands on my belly.
"I cant wait for this baby.." he says.
"Me too." We get back to packing and we get dressed.
When we are ready we head over to Meghan and Davids room.
They come out with there luggage and we go check out of the hottle.
We drive to the airport.
When we get there i start to vlog.
"Hey guys its (y/n) and welcome to todays video! And today we are leaving England, and are going to Japan!"

A.N:~ you have not told your fans about you being pregnant yet!

We here our plane number be called.
"Well thats us! Ill see yall at the hottle!"
Me and Joey walk hand in hand.

       ~Meghans pov: on the plane~

Im sitting with (y/n) this time, and Joey and David are sitting together in front of us.
I get a text.


Zack💕: Hey.

Me: oh hey Zack!

Zack💕: want to hang out?

Me:..um we are actually on a plane to Japan right now..

Zack💕: oh. Um.

Me: ik i should have told you! Im sorry. But i found out that (y/n) was pregnant..

Zack💕: really? Oh well. Um. Ill talk to u later?..

Me: yeah.

~End text~
I groan and look at (y/n).
"Whats up?" She asked.
"Zack texted me for the first time in awile and asked to hang out."
"Shit that sucks.." "i know right!" I turn off my phone and sleep.

~A.N: i know i said i changed my writing style, but i started writing this before i decided to change it. Im to lazy to re- write the chapter. Lol.

            ~Joeys pov~
Im on my phone going threw Twitter.
People are tweeting me asking whats up with (y/n)..
I guess they can tell somethings off.
I dont think they think she is pregnant tho. We want to announce it when we land.
I know its crazy to tell them the day we are finding out the gender, but oh well.
I turn off my phone and turn to face (y/n).
She is asleep.
I smile and decided to do the same.

            ~When you land~
I take my bag and start vlogging.
"Ok we landed!" I say taking Joeys hand.
"We are going to head over to a spot for a sec..we need to tell you guys something important!"
I say, and Joey adds, "Very important!" I smile an turned the camera off.
We head over to a hall that leads to the bathroom.
I turn the camera back on.
"Ok guys..this news we are telling yiu guys..we have known for awile. We really never got around to telling you guys but.." i look at Joey.." WE'RE PREGNANT!" we yell.
"We are also going to find out the gender today! So..lets go!"
I turn off the camera and we all get into the car and head to the bakery.

              ~At the bakery~
We hand the envelope with the gender and tell them what we would like.
"Um. Can you have the top white with 'what am i?' Written on it?" I ask.

A.N~ stupid ik. Lol.

"Of course. Your order will be ready in an hour." She says.
"Thank you so much!" I say and pay, and head to the hottle.

~At the hottle~

We tell Joeys fans on his channel about me being prego.
And we relax.

An hour later we get a call.
"Hi (y/n)?" "Yes?" "Your order is ready. "Oh thank you! I will be right over!" I hang up and head to the bakery.

I get the cake.

If you dont know how this works in the inside there will be the color for the gender.
Pink for a girl, blue for a boy.

I get to the house and we get ready..
Joey is sweating bullets, and Meghan and David are jumping up and down.
"What are you on?" I ask.
"We are so so excited!!!" They yell.
I look at Joey.
"Are yiu ready?.." he nodded and we both took the knife in both of our hands and cut...





" ITS A BOY!!!!!" we all yell.
Im crying tears of joy, and Joey turns me around and kisses me.
We all hug, and eat cake.

An hour later we tell the fans what the gender is.

We show them the cake.
"Its a boy!" Meghan says.

At the end of the night me and Joey cuddle.
"Goodnight lil' baby boy.." i whisper.

Yay its a boy!!
Thank you all so much for voting and reading!
The boy won!!
There was 1 more boy vote.
I will see yall in the next chapter!
Stay sweet!

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