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Yeah haha my names Winter Green and I work in a Christmas store. Usually I just role my eyes when I hear someone snicker as the read my name tag but today was the final straw. First I've been here since three this morning,second I've had to listen to Alevin and chipmunks Christmas album on repeat and the thing that finally broke me was these four rowdy 20 year old boys who broke an entire section of Christmas ornaments.


After being almost fired and losing over half of my Christmas bonus to pay for those dumb boys mistakes I'm stuck cleaning the entire before I close it up. I probably wouldn't have lost so much if I hadn't have yelled at them and I almost feel bad. Than I remember what they did and the rage comes back.

I hear the happy chime of the door open. Which causes me to look at the door and I see the worst possible thing that could ever walk through that very's not a's not some serial killer. It's worse. What could be worse than those ? One of the very boys who got me in this mess.

"Hello, the store is closed." I say trying to put on the best fake smile I possible can.

"I'm actually here to say sorry." He says.
I'm not really sure what on earth to say,so I stay silent. "My friends and I didn't mean to break the Christmas ornaments. We can pay for them." It's very sweet of him to want to pay for them but it's a little late now.

"No,it's fine they already took the money out my paycheck." I say getting back to sweeping up the last little bits of glass off the floor.

"I can talk to your manag-" I cut him off.

"It's really fine." I lie.

"You know we didn't mean to break them it was accident." He looks down at his feet.

"Really you guys came in the store running you did you not see the giant saying 'don't run,very breakable'?" I ask looking up from to floor to look at him.

"You wouldn't understand." He says bluntly.

"Oh the fact you and your little friends don't know how to adults!" I slightly raise my voice.

"No! It's not like that...we're famous you know I'm Calum Hood." He gives me a smile.

"Who?" Is he some new actor on like the Disney channel.

"You know, 5 Seconds of Summer...we produce music." He looks at me like he's expecting me to flip  out.

"So that doesn't mean you and your boyband can trash a store." I put the broom down and bring my now free hand to my hip. "It's people like you who ruin the face of music! You're so full of yourselves that you expect for me to give little thing you want!" I know yelling at him isn't probably the best thing to do but my rage is still turned all the way to 100 since he walked back into the door.

"No I came to say sorry, it's not my fault that you're some scrooge who can't except an apology." He puts his hand on his hip mirroring me.

"I can to take an apology and I'm not Scrooge! I'm sorry if you and your dumb friends just took away my nieces Christmas!" I turn away so he can't see the single tear start to form in my eye.

"I'm so sorry... I didn't know." His voice softens and I feel him walk up behind me. "Please let me help you pay for it, it was mine and my friends fault not yours." I turn around to face him.

"Fine but first if you're gonna help pay for their Christmas you have to meet them." I blurt out before thinking.

"How about I take you and your little nieces on a little lunch date." He smiles.

"I'm sure they'd like that." I smile

"I'm once again sorry." He says as he walks out the door.

Finally I get home after working 17 hour shift. I walk into my tiny two room apartment to see Kit and Anne sleeping on the couch next to my mom.

I move my mothers arms from around the passed out one in half year old and carry her into her crib before kissing her small little head. I once again walk back into the living room to pick up the 3 year old Anne. I try not to wake her but I ran into the door causing her to wake up.

"Aunty?" Little Anne says rubbing her eyes.

"Yes sweetie. Go back to bed." I lay her back in her bed before walking back out to the living room to wake up my mom.

"Mom you can leave now." I smile helping her up. "Thank you for watching them." I hug her before she walks to the door.

"It's always lovely to watch them dear. Goodnight Winter." She leaves the apartment.

Finally I can sleep,but as I lay in my bed all I can think about is Calum.

A/N: since around my favorite time of year I thought I'd make another Christmas Fanfic. This year I chose Calum from 5SOS and don't worry I'll also be working on Cold December night. Everything else will be held back until after the holidays.

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