Chapter eight

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Winter's POV

I look in the mirror trying to figure out why I never spent more time learning how to do my makeup. Usually I just put on simple foundation and mascara,but can I really do that for a date? Maybe Calum won't care,but I know I will. Every other day I'm a mess but today I can't. I pick up my Caspar shade of foundation and start applying it on all my flaws,and that's when my phone starts to ring.

"Hello?" I say answering the phone.

"Yes,Ms.Green this is the police station." Says a woman with sadness in her voice.

"What happened?"

"It's you're sister,she was in a terrible wreck,I'm sorry Ms.Green but she's dead." In that exact moment everything goes blank and I let out a loud cry.

"What,this can't be why,when,how?" Tears start pouring down my face.

"You can come in tomorrow to start planning the funeral. And once again Ms.Green I'm sorry for your loss." The lady hangs up and I fall to the floor.

I hear a knock on the door. "Winter?" Calum says through the door.

I didn't respond I just cry louder. He opens the door and as soon as he sees me,he scoops me up. "What happened?" He asks softly into my hair as he rubs my back.

"'My sister she's..." I cry more before being able to finish my sentence.

"Winter?" He looks me straight in my tear stained face. "What happened?"

"The girls mom,my sister...She died." My head falls into his chest and cry louder.

Calum doesn't say anything he just rubs my back. He sits down on the floor and continues rubbing back. 

Calum's POV

I've never been so nervous for a date,every other girl I've been out with meant practically nothing compared to her. Our date doesn't start for a good two hours and she already starting to get ready. I'm not real sure why,she absolutely stunning without it. I wish she saw what I see everyday,from the moment I first laid eyes on her I knew she was out of league. We may have gotten off on the wrong foot but I'm so glade I went back to say sorry. To think I may have never met her if it wasn't for fans running us into that little Christmas shop.

I walk past bathroom and I hear a loud scream. And quickly my thoughts are changed from joy to complete panic. I knock on the door. "Winter?" I ask hoping to get a response.

She doesn't say anything which sends waves of fear trough my entire body. I burst through the door to find her crying on the floor.

I scoop her up into my arms and bring her as close me as humanly possible. "What happened?"

She stops crying for a moment. "My sister she's..." she once again burst out into tears causing my heart to shatter in a million pieces.

"Winter?" I move her chin so I can look into her eyes. "What happened?" She wipes her tear stained cheeks before speaking.

"The girls mom,my sister...She died." As soon as she said that her head falls into my chest and she starts crying once again.

I wish I knew what to say but at times like this is there really anything you can say. I softly rub her back as I sit down on the floor letting her cry.

A/n: once again I'm so very sorry for not posting my life right now is a living hell so I haven't had much time to write,but I hope you enjoyed reading this i know it's not what you were expecting but I promise they'll have a date soon. Love ya guys ❤️❤️❤️

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