Chapter one

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Calum's POV

I'm almost surprised I agreed to this "not" date. I may have wanted to say sorry but that still didn't change my first opinion of her,well that was of course until last night. I'd must admit I thought she stunning from the moment I first saw her but than she yelled at us and I honestly hated her. But tonight when I saw her cry,I couldn't help but feel bad for my first opinion. I would have yelled at us too if I were in her shoes. All night I've been replaying the small smile left on her lips when I said we could go to lunch with her nieces. I want to make her smile again. If the guys knew what I was thinking, they'd say I've gone mad.

Winter's POV

I wake up wishing I didn't. No not in bad way, I was just up all night. My mind could stay still. One minute I was thinking about what am I going to say my nieces when I can't afford Christmas,but than I think of him...The very thing from seeing the sadness is Anne's eyes. And Kit couldn't careless,considering she's only one in half. I look over to my bedside stand to see what time it is.

"Bloody hell." I jump realizing I have only an hour before my lunch with Calum and the girls. Quickly I rush to the girl's room and hope it's not to terribly messy.

"Aunty Winter you're awake!" Anne ran up and hugged my knees. "Oh and some man named Calum called and was looking for you."

"You know you're not supposed to do that." I softly scold her.

"And aunty?" She says softly."I let him in the house."

"Excuse me!?" I quickly run into the living room to behold Calum sitting on my couch. "Anne? Why didn't you come get me?" I ask.

"Well you were asleep and I didn't want to wake you." She looks up at me and smiles.

"'Never ever do that again." I softly scold before sending her back into her room to get dressed.

"Sorry I wasn't awake." I say finally speaking to the man before me.

"Your niece is absolutely adorable." He says with a small smile.

"Well let me get Anne,Kit and I dressed and we can be on our way." I walk into Kit and Anne's room to see how badly Anne put herself together. And surprisingly not terrible,she's wearing a light pink shirt that reads "perrfect." With a cute little kitty on the front,and a simple black leggings.

Lucky for me Kit is still asleep.So I rush into my bedroom and look in the mirror,and I let out a soft shriek of horror. He saw me like this?! I look like total shit. My once 'nice' messy bun is now all over the place,I'm wearing my stained old high school gym t-shirt,and to top off this sloppy look a random pair of black nike short shorts.

Quickly I jump into a pair of grey skinny jeans,then I slip my off the shoulder purplely pink brown colored sweater and to top it off a brown pair of flats.

I look into the mirror and slowly start to brush the terrible mess that is my hair. And since I'm far to lazy to do much with my hair, so I just let have its messy wavy/straight hair lay across my naked shoulders. Taking one last look in the mirror and I'm some what pleased with my look,and I walk into the girl's room to get closes on little Kit.

Anne's POV

I may only be three but I not stupid. Calum probably got here because he like Aunty Winter. Maybe he's her boyfriend? But she would had brought him over. Right?

"Calum?" I tug on his pant leg to get his attention.

"Yes,Anne?" He asks looking down at me.

"You like Aunty."

"Excuse me?"

"I said you like aunty Winter."

"What? No she's just a friend."

"For now." I walk back into mine and Kit room.

Calum's POV
*time skip*

Anne maybe on to something.As I'm watching Winter rock Kit back to sleep, I notice how the light breeze is gently pushing her hair in the wind,the sun is making the light in her eyes shine brighter than before. The way she takes care of the girls is so sweet,so nurturing,a perfect woman.

"When was the last time you actually went out like without the girls?" I blurt without even thinking of what I was asking.

"No not really even before my sister just left at my front door,she was never really around but at least had my classes."

"Were in you in college?"

"Yeah,I was gonna become a teacher."

"I'm sorry,but what made you want to become a teacher?"

"In high school one of my best friends had a baby and I realized how much I love kids."

"How was high school for you?"

"I mean it was alright I never really did the usual highschool thing."

"What do you mean?"

"I never went to the dances I always wanted too but no one ever asked me." She looks away slightly and I gently set my hand on her cheek.

"How couldn't someone take someone as beautiful as you to a dance." I look into her eyes,and instantly I can see the hidden beauty and sadness in them."I would have taken you."  She smiles and I feel both of us move closer. Our lips only inches apart both of us close our eyes,and....

A/n: hehe a cliffhanger, don't worry ill soon be posting more I'm gonna be starting 25 days of Christmas soon.

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