Chapter nine

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Winter's POV

Today's the day,the day I say final goodbyes to my first best friend,my sister and a mother. The girls may not be affect because they never saw her as mom but I will forever be. In the past few years her and I may not have been on the best terms but she's still my sister and the loss of a sister is harder than one can imagine. I can only pretend to understand how my mother is feeling. Damn it Snow,why did you have be such a drinker! I look in mirror for my the last time hoping the little bit of makeup I have on will be enough to cover my sleepless look. (Her outfit in the sidebar thingy)

I walk out of the bathroom to be greeted but arms of Calum. "You look beautiful." He puts a kiss too my forehead.

"Thank you." I try to mutter up a smile but I'm sure I failed.

He hugs for probably the millionth time in the best 24 hours.

*time skip*

I thought I'd be fine,I thought I had run out of tears but as soon as I enter the ceremony I bursted out in tears once again. Calum not truly understanding how I'm feeling tries his best by just holding my hand and staying quite. Moment like this make me realize how in love I am with him. He may not be speaking but the moments where he says nothing he's speaking the most.

I take a seat up front next to my mom who is crying almost as much as I am. "I love you." My mom says wrapping her arms around me.

*time skip*

"So would anyone like to say anything else before the slide show starts?" The pastor asks.

Without even thinking my legs have carried me on stage.

"Well hello,none of us knew that this would happening so soon but I guess we never truly plane for anyone to leave us. Snow may not have been perfect and sometimes she did things we weren't proud of but I choose not to remember her as reckless. I'll remember her as the first friend I ever had,my twin sister, a mother to my beautiful nieces and a whole lot of fun. I remember our freshmen year in high school us talking about how our dorm room in high school would look. We all wish we could go back in time and change things but everything happens for a reason. I may never know why this had to happen but nothing happens in this life for no reason. So as I lay this flower on her I hope she knows I love and miss her. Thank you Snow for changing all these people's life's." I put the mic down and walk over to her lifeless body to set a single purple rose down.

"I love you." I whisper as a single tear falls down my cheek.

*time skip again sorry*

Everyone has left Snow's celebration of life so now I'm stuck washing dishes. The music blaring through the speakers,and that's why I feel a slight tug on the bottom of my jeans.

"Auntie,are you ok?" Anne asks looking up at me.

"Yes just fine sweetie." I lie to her for the fact of her three year old mind couldn't ever understand.

"I wove you auntie." She smiles.

"I love you too sweetheart."

"Do you love uncle Calum?" She asks

Without thinking I say "Of course I do more than anything he's my favorite person." I smile.

"Does uncle know?" She asks softly.

"I'm not sure." With that she ran down the hall to Calum's room and that's when it kicked it what I said.

"Oh wait,shit Anne." But it was too late.

"Uncle uncle!" She says tugging at Cals pant leg. "Auntie Winter is in love with you."

"Oh is she now?" He smirks looking at me in the hallway frozen.

"Yes,yes she said it herself!" Anne says jumping up and down.

"Can you go get her so I can talk to her?" Cal asks looking right at me.

"Of course." She runs over to me. "Auntie, uncle wants you." She runs into the living room leaving Calum and I alone.

"So you're in love with me." Calum smirks.

"Well...erm...that's what I said." I blush.

"Well I love you too."

A/n:sorry for such depressing two chapter so I put in a cute ending I hope you guys enjoy love ya❤️❤️❤️️

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