Chapter 7

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*At Justin's house*
Selena: *admiring his house* Wow this is beautiful.
Justin: Yeah remember when I said my mom got a fancy job here. *Selena nods* Well her job offered this house as a way to convince her to come here.
Selena: So her job pays for everything.
Justin: Well not everything they just pay the house. My mom pays for the other bills.
Selena: I wish all jobs offered houses like this.
Justin: *laughs* Well that would be...
Justin's Mom (Pattie): *interrupts him* Justin? *goes into the living room* Oh I thought I heard you. *sees Selena* Oh and who is this?
Justin: Hey mom this is Selena, my... friend.
Selena: Hi *waves* It's so nice to finally meet you Ms. Bieber. After all Justin talks about you a lot.
Pattie: Oh please call me Pattie, any friend of Justin is a friend of mine. *smiles*
Justin: So mom what are you doing here thought you were at work.
Pattie: Turns out they didn't need me.
Justin: Ok well I'm just going to take Selena upstairs to my room so she can help me with homework if thats okay with you.
Pattie: Oh no that's fine. Just don't have too much fun now *winks*
Justin: MOM!!!!
Pattie: What I'm serious. I don't want to hear any noises.
Justin: Bye mom! *pushes Selena upstairs*

Selena: *giggles* Your mom is really cool.
Justin: *laughs* yeah yeah so lets start the homework. *sits on the bed*
Selena: Okay first and foremost what's your problem in Chemistry?
Justin: The attractions.
Selena: *raises her eyebrows* Attractions?
Justin: umm you know like the chemical attractions I mean chemical reactions see I'm so bad at Chemistry I don't even know the topics. *smiles a little*
Selena: *laughs* You're funny. so where's your textbook?
Justin: My textbook?
Selena: Your Chemistry textbook. How else am I supposed to help you with your homework?
Justin: Ohh *mentally facepalms* Must've forgotten it at school.
Selena: *eyes him suspiciously* Justin did you really need help with your homework?
Justin: *sighs* No not really I was just afraid if I asked you out you would reject me.
Selena: Really, you were afraid to ask me out? *Justin nods* Why?
Justin: Because you're beautiful and nice. You're everything I thought you weren't and that's a good thing. And I really like you. I just didn't know if you liked me back. And I didn't know what to do if you...

*Selena cuts him off with a kiss*
Selena: *pulls away after a minute* You ramble too much *smiles*
Justin: *blushes* Selena would you like to...
Pattie: *yells* Kids I have some chips and soda down here if you want to take a little study break.
Justin: *yells* Yeah thanks mom be down there in a minute.
Selena: So what did you want to ask me?
Justin: Would you like to go out for pizza tomorrow after school?  *smiles*
Selena: *kisses his cheek* Sure.

*Selena stays for another hour and then goes home to finish her homework.*
Justin: *singing* 'I'm so excited and I just can't hide it.'
Pattie: Woah Woah what are you so excited about.
Justin: Huh oh nothing it's just a song I like. Night mom *kisses her cheek and hums the song.*
Pattie: It's not even 6:00 yet.
Justin: Well I'll just be in my room then bye. *goes upstairs*
Pattie: That bot is so in love. *laughs to herself*


A/N: A couple things I want to say.
First Merry Christmas everybody hope you have a fun and safe holiday♡
Second Omg thank you guys so much for the over 100 reads it means a lot to me I never thought people would read it so thank you guys
Third I made a new cover picture let me know if you guys like it:-)
And Lastly if you like this chapter don't forget to vote and/or comment
Thank You ♡

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