Chapter 6

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Justin: Would you like to go back to school?
Selena: Uh sure *confused*

*They start walking back to school*
*Justin's POV*

Ugh I'm such an idiot. Why can't I just ask her out. I've done it before. Oh I know why maybe it's because Selena is different than all those other girls. She is just so special. I mean have you met her.

*They get back to the school*
*At Lunch*
Selena: Hey Demi how was Mr. Iron's class?
Demi: Boring where were you?
Selena: Out *smiles*
Demi: You were with that Justin guy again weren't you.
Selena: Whaaat no I wasn't pshh.
Demi: Selena you're my best friend I can tell when you're lying.
Selena: Okay you're right I was with Justin.
Demi: I knew it. Tell me everything.
Selena: *sighs* honestly nothing happened.
Demi: Is that a bad thing or a good thing?
Selena: I don't know. My mind says don't get involved in another relationship but my heart says go for it. So I'm just really confused on what to do now.
Demi: Well I know somebody who can help you out on what guys think.
Selena: Who?
Demi: Nick. Come on let's go over to him.

*They both go to Nick*
Demi: Hey Nick *sits down* Selena has some boy problems.
Nick: Boy problems?! What did Logan do now. *gets mad*
Demi: Woah woah calm down it's not about Logan.
Nick: *calms down* Oh okay what is it then?
Selena: There's this guy I kinda like..
Demi: Kinda hmph *mumbles* more like a lot.

*Selena elbows her in the stomach*
Demi: Owww !!!
Selena: *smiles* *to Nick* Anyway I don't know what to do. I mean this guy is really nice and sweet. And my mind tells me not to be in another relationship but my heart tells me to go for it. I just wish I could know what a guy thinks about when it comes to girls.
Demi: And that's where you come in.
Nick: So you want me to talk to this guy?
Demi: No you idiot we want to know what do guys think and you're a guy sooo?
Nick: Oh thanks for clearing that up I wasn't sure about that. *Demi glares at him* Okay um it depends on the guy.
Selena: What do you mean?
Nick: Well every guy is different Sel. First are you friends with this guy or is he just a random crush.
Selena: He's a friend.
Demi: A really good friend. *smirks*
Selena: *shoves her* Demi shut up already. *laughs*
Nick: Okay what is this guy like is he open with you or does he hide things from you?
Selena: He's very open with me, he tells me some personal stuff he wouldn't tell anyone else.
*Nick's POV*

Oh my gosh maybe Selena is finally realizing I'm the one for her. She totally just described me. I mean I tell her stuff Joe and my mom don't even know about. My dream is going to come true. We are going to be together forever and ever and...
Selena: *interrupts his thoughts* So should I go after him or not?
Nick: Ummm well he sounds like a pretty nice guy so I don't think you should worry about him breaking your heart or anything. But I think you should wait a while let him tell you how he feels first so you won't get embarrassed.
Selena: That's great advice Nick. *hugs him* Thank you so so so much.
Nick: *hugs back thinking Oh yea she totally likes me*
*After school*
Selena: *putting her books that she needs from her locker into her bag*
Demi: Hurry up Sel! I wanna see Joe already. I haven't seen him all day.
Selena: Why don't you go meet up with Joe and wait for me there.
Demi: Really!! *smiles big*
Selena: Yes and you guys better not be kissing when I get there.
Demi: *hugs her* Oh thank you thank you. *lets go of her and runs down the halls yelling* I'm coming Joe!
Selena: *laughs* Ahhh Demi, Demi, Demi.  *finishes and closes her locker, walking down the hallway zipping up her backpack when someone bumps into her*
Selena: *all her books fly out* Owww you could've said excuse me.
Miley: Oh I'm sorry I don't pay attention to trash like you.
Taylor: Haha good one Miley. Bye loser. *her and Miley snicker and walk away*
Justin: *saw what happened and runs up to Selena.* Hey are you okay?
Selena: *looks up to see Justin and she smiles* Now I am. *giggles*
Justin: *smiles thinking oh my gosh her giggle is so cute* Here let me help you. *picks up her books*
Selena: Oh no it's fine.

*Justlena both grab for Selena's math book at the same time and they both feel sparks.*
Selena: *pulls her hand away fast* Oh um
Justin: *gives her the math book* That's all of them. *stands up*
Selena: *stands up as well* Yeah umm thanks again I appreciate it. *walks away*
Justin: *thinking come on Justin it's now or never* Uhh *runs to her* Selena wait.
Selena: *turns around* Yeah.
Justin: Umm do you want to come by to my house.
Selena: Sure. Why though?
Justin: Oh you know for studying I need help in this one subject and I heard you're really smart so yeah.
Selena: Okay I'll help you. But first let me text Demi and tell her I'm not going with her and then we can go.
Justin: Fine by me.

To: Demi★
Hey Demz. Don't wait up for me.

From: Demi★
Why what happened?!?!

To: Demi★
I bumped into Justin.

From: Demi★
Oh lala don't have too much fun now;-)

To: Demi★
Oh hush up and make out with Joe :-P

From: Demi★
I would but don't wanna get into a car accident &+ Nick is here:-P

To: Demi★
LOL alrighty then bye♥

From: Demi★

Selena: Alrighty ready to go *smiles*
Justin: Awesome *smiles back*


A/N: I decided to update since I probably won't be able to until after Christmas so I'll take this time to say Merry Christmas everybody enjoy your holidays♥♡

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