santa baby

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in which mike gives eleven an awfully big gift in their relationship on the christmas of 1986.


the wheeler house hold smells of gingerbread around this time of year. the lights are put up on and around the living room, the tree glowing with all its happiness, and ted is even a bit more useful than usual.

christmas really was the most wonderful time of the year.

karen stood in the kitchen whisking some of her famous chocolate peppermint cake batter, adding and mixing things variously in, a soft melody humming from the record player in the background. she had just added some much more of the needed chocolate chips in when she heard the thudding of steps behind her.

turning around, a smile forms at the sight of her son. he was getting so much taller these days.

"hello honey," she greets pouring the batter into a pan. "hey mom," he responds moving and standing next to her. he fiddles with the almost empty bag of chocolate, chewing and eating on the few that fall out awkwardly. "do you need uh... help or- uh with anything?"

she had just placed the pan in the oven and it made her smile. although, it was rather a bit strange for him to offer, it made her happy. her boy was so considerate.

"um some help with the icing could be useful?"

"no problem mom! i got it!"

mike had practically already scooped up a bowl from the cabinet even before he finished answering back.

karen watches for awhile as her son follows a recipe she'd saved, studying his movements with a wondering question. "mike-" she calls and he looks up. "uh yeah?" his brows scrunch and it reminds her of one of the many similar looks he used to give as a child.

oh, how he's grown since then.

she continues, "not this isn't nice or anything but why are you here? i mean wouldn't you rather be out with your friends or jane?"

his movements slow for a second and she swears she sees his face warm.


she was such a lovely girl and mrs wheeler couldn't think of anyone better for her son. always so tentative and polite to everyone, painfully shy at times, and let's not forget the way they looked at each other.

"well uh..." he sighs stopping the stirring and finally meeting his mothers eyes. "that's actually what i came to talk about. you know like getting gifts for people and stuff."

she signals for him to continue, taking over the mixing so he could talk without distraction.

"um uh i wanna get el- i mean jane something this year. something nice," he says shyly.

"oh. well what did you have in mind honey?"

"that's the thing i already know what i want to get her but it's kind of um-"

she takes in his heated cheeks and nervous breathing. "what is it?" her voice is soft and warm much like the feeling of christmas, and after a couple of moments he finally answers.

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