{Avenged} My Nightmare {Sevenfold} [8]

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I wondered around my room absently touching things on stands as I tried to think of what I was going to tell Jimmy's parents. My mind kept drawing a blank as to what to say. I looked around the room and my eyes landed on my computer. Maybe it would be easier if I wrote what I was going to say. I sat down and booted my computer up then opened Word. I sat and stared at the empty page. After a few minutes it felt like the blank page was mocking me. I sighed and found myself daydreaming about how exciting it would be if Jimmy were still here. I could imagine him demanding a party with everyone in attendance and ordering some ridiculous monstrosity of a cake probably in a duck shape with pink and blue pacifiers painted on in the icing. The girls of course would be all a flutter with ideas for the nursery while the guys would be congratulating Jimmy and cracking open new beers. The thought had me smiling until I looked at the blank page in front of me and remembered why I was sitting here. A new IM window popped up. Huh? I don't remember signing in to my messenger. I quickly pull up my messenger and stare at it. I am NOT signed in. Another ding and a new line of text appears in the little box. Cautiously I bring the window to the foreground and begin to read.

SD: You should do that! 

SD: Are you ignoring me? 

SD: I know you are reading this Katie. Talk to me! 

ChristSister: Um hi?  

SD: Hi Katie. You should totally get a cake like that  

ChristSister: A cake like what? 

SD: A duck shaped cake with little pacifiers made out of the icing. Some beers for the guys  

ChristSister: How did you know what I was thinking? How are you even talking to me right now? I'm not signed in and I know you aren't on my friends list 

SD: Divine intervention  

ChristSister: Divine intervention to which part? 

SD: all of it. I'm here to help you move on and accept that baby. I can't believe we are having a baby! 

ChristSister: We?

I waited a moment but there was no reply. I heard a knock on the door and opened the door to find Zacky with a tray.

"I hope you don't mind I offered to bring it up for Lindsay."

"Not at all that was nice of you Zacky. Why would I mind?"

He sat the tray down and nervously ran a hand through his hair.

"Well I thought maybe the reason you were having dinner up here is you didn't want to be around me."

"Why wouldn't I?"

He shrugged still nervous. "I dunno. Maybe because you miss Jimmy and I remind you he isn't here and I know about the baby..."

"Zacky, of course you remind me of times with Jimmy but they are good memories. Things I want to remember and it'll only be a day or two before everyone knows about the baby. I just want to tell Jimmy's parents first. Really that's what I need to be focusing on I'm still not sure how I'm going to tell them. But um, can you take a look at something for me?"


I walked over to my desk chair and pulled it out for him. He looked at me curiously.

"Is there something wrong with the chair?"

"No silly. I want you to check something on my computer."

"Oh..." He sat down and then I opened the lid of my computer up and saw only the blank Word page. I closed it and saw only my empty desktop. I checked the taskbar.

"Hmmm that's strange."


"I had an IM from someone who wasn't on my list and I'm not even logged into my messenger."

"Um, Kathy that's not possible."

"I know but I swear it was right here on my screen when you knocked!"

"Maybe you were still tired and you fell asleep and dreamed it without realizing it?" 

"Possibly. I was daydreaming about how this would all be so different if Jimmy were here." I said looking at the floor. I felt more than saw Zacky stand up and then his arms were wrapped around me in a hug. I buried my face in his shoulder.

"I know it's hard to deal with this right now but I will help anyway I can."

"Um Zacky?" I asked lifting my head from his shoulder. "Do you know the bakery that Jimmy always used?"

"Yeah why? Wanna order something?"


"What would you like and when?"

"A very large cake shaped like a Duck and maybe if they could do it have like pacifiers scattered around the bottom or made out of icing on the top of the cake...for like the day after tomorrow?"

"I'll call them and see what they can do."

"Thanks," I smiled at him and he released me from his embrace.

"I'll let you eat and think about what you are going to say then." He turned at the door to my room and gave me one last smile before he shut my door giving me my privacy again. I sighed and sat down picking up my spoon to start in on my soup only to drop it back down on the tray. The IM window was back with a new message.

SD: He likes you. You know that right? 

ChristSister: of course he does. He's a friend 

SD: No I mean like likes  

SD: like Katie and Zacky sitting in a tree....

I felt my mouth drop open.

ChristSister: no he doesn't 

SD: lol yes he does anyway good job with the cake 

ChristSister: yeah well why couldn't Zacky see this window? 

SD: Because it's only for you. No one else. 

ChristSister: So no one else can see it? 

SD: Well if the baby could see the baby could see it 

ChristSister: Oh yeah you never did say what you meant by WE were having a baby 

SD: Thought of what you are going to say tomorrow? 

ChristSister: How do you know me?  

SD: I think you should just spit it out after Syn leaves of course otherwise there is no reason to have a party. 

ChristSister: Am I going insane? Is that how you know my nicknames and all about my life? 

SD: you are not insane.  

ChristSister: Then how do you know everything about me? 

SD: It might be to late to keep the guys from finding out with Zacky already knowing.  

ChristSister: No Zacky knows how important this is to me.  

ChristSister: Who are you?

{Avenged} My Nightmare {Sevenfold}Where stories live. Discover now