{Avenged} My Nightmare {Sevenfold} [32]

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I took a deep breath and then sighed as I waited in the hallway for Kathy to be wheeled out. I had the box in the glove box of my car. I had decided that the best way to do this was to ask her at the grave after we showed Jimmy the twins.

"Alright I'm ready....Matt is everything ok?"


"Are you sure? There's nothing wrong with the twins right?"

"Everything's fine Kathy."

"Then why do you look so nervous?"

"Because it just dawned on me that we are going to be responsible for raising these two wonderful blessings and I'm not sure where to begin?" It wasn't the immediate reason for my nerves but it was still in the back of my mind.

She smiled at me.

"They don't come with instruction manuals Matt. We just have to figure it out."

"That's what scares me. I mean what if I screw up?"

I felt her take my hand in hers and squeeze it.

"Matt if you want to change your mind that's fine. We aren't you responsibility. You don't have to do this."

I squeezed her hand back. "But I want to do this I'm just not sure how."

"Well why don't we start with your dad and Joe. Both raised amazing kids. I'm sure that they will be able to help us figure things out."

"Ok, ready to pick up the twins?" I smiled at her.

"Yeah...are the car seats in right?"

"Yeah....Papa Gates stopped by this morning to inspect them. I figure he's the one that's got the most recent experience so we should be good."

"Yeah," she said softly as they brought the twins out to us. I had given the nurses at the nursery the car seats to get them ready.

"Those are pretty....I don't remember them."

"They were a gift from Gena. They arrived while you were in the hospital. They go from carrier to carseat to stroller."

"Oh I love those!"

"Yeah. I figure it would be best for now. We can always get a double stroller when they get older."

The nurses handed the carriers to me while the other nurse continued pushing Kathy out. I got the twins settled in with the help of the nurse while Kathy got settled into the car herself.

"Now you remember to take it easy Miss Seward. I'm sure you've got plenty of people to help you with those babies and you don't want to have to come stay here again, so don't aggravate those staples."

"Don't worry I'll do my best to avoid it."

 I got in the car and buckled up. I pulled away from the curb slowly.

"Are you sure this isn't going to be to much to do today Matt?"

"No, besides I already promised Jimmy that we would be bringing them today."

"Alright," I glanced at her and saw her smiling.

"I'm glad to see you smiling babe."

"I'm glad you are man enough to do this for me."

"I would want Jimmy to do it for me if our roles were reversed. I would want to have my children near me at least once."

"Matt?" her voice was soft and I knew she could hear then the way my voice had betrayed me but I just focused on driving through the tears. I parked next to the row Jimmy was in and lifted my aviators to wipe away the tears.

{Avenged} My Nightmare {Sevenfold}Where stories live. Discover now