{Avenged} My Nightmare {Sevenfold} [10]

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The next morning I had a quick breakfast with my brother and Lindsay. The goodbyes as they left for work however were not so short.

Johnny stood on the porch uneasily. “Are you sure you are going to be ok alone?”

“Yes, I’ll be fine,” I shot an amused glance at Linds who was just standing behind him on the walk shaking her head.

“Ok but you know you can call us anytime if you need us right? And if we don’t answer our cell then our other numbers are on the fridge and so are the numbers for the emergency services.”

“Oh for goodness sake Johnny! She’s pregnant not a child! I’m sure she knows all of this.” Lindsay rolled her eyes heavenwards while Johnny just looked hurt.

“It’s alright, Johnny and yes I know where the numbers are I wrote the list up remember?” I grinned at Linds and we both chuckled as you could see the memory dawning on him. You could almost see the little light bulb above his head coming on like in cartoons.

“You know what’s the best part of this Linds? You can already tell what it’s gonna be like when you have a family. He’ll deal with the babysitter fine.”

“Yeah…I’ll just tell her to be here an hour before we are supposed to leave.” All three of us chuckled at this and Johnny looked at me affectionately.

“Still you said you weren’t sure about driving yourself right now so are you sure about being alone by yourself?”

“Yeah, I’ll be fine. It’s only half an hour until Brian picks me up anyway.”

“Ok well make sure you eat a good lunch. You barely touched your breakfast.” Linds added in.

“I will. I’m just still a little queasy first thing in the morning.” She nodded in understanding and I saw the worried look coming back onto Johnny’s face.

“I’m fine I swear.”

“Ok well, we’ll be going then,” Johnny said still lingering.

I rolled my eyes at him before saying bye and waving really big then shutting the door in his face firmly. I grinned to myself when I heard Linds chuckling outside. I waited until I heard both of their cars start and leave the driveway before I wondered back up to my room.

I paced the floor slowly. My hands behind my back with my fingers linked. I stared at my carpet as I walked. I had come to the conclusion that I liked this plush swag carpet. It had more character than the indoor slash outdoor stuff you sometimes see. I frowned at the length of the fibers. Definitely plush and pretty but if the baby were on the floor and rolled over…I shuddered. I didn’t want to think about that. Besides it’s not like the baby would ever be out of my sight.  I heard a ding on my computer and went over to my desk and sat down. I unlocked the screen not realizing I had left it on after checking my email this morning before breakfast.

SD: You are avoiding the issue.

ChristSister: What issue?

SD: What you are going to tell my parents.

ChristSister: Oh that issue.

SD: Yes that Issue. Just follow your heart. You know my Mom is gonna go crazy

when she finds out.

ChristSister: Not as crazy as she would have.

A single tear slipped down my face and before I knew it my eyes were blurred with swimming tears that soon cascaded down my cheeks.

{Avenged} My Nightmare {Sevenfold}Where stories live. Discover now