Feeling sorry

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Nothing interesting happened the next weeks. We were all patrolling a little more than usual, in case the rest of the pack decided to come back and get revenge. I tried to patrol as often as possible, more than the others, since I took it as my responsibility as the alpha and also since I felt guilty. I didn't want Camila to get hurt again and I didn't want any injuries in my pack. So I took it as my job to do most of the safety work.

I barely slept during these two week, balancing between patroling day and night, and spending as much time with Camila as I could. She knew I felt guilty so she tried, every chance she got, to convince me it was not my fault. That didn't make it go away. I still felt guilty and with every look at her fading scar  I was reminded again. She also realized that. She saw, although I tried to hide it as best as I could, how I would flinch away sometimes, when I looked at her wound. So she hid it from me as often as possible.

Camila noticed so much. She would know how I felt by just one look. One little movement and she knew everything you felt and thought, it was incredible. I was pleasently surprised what a sharp mind she had and I appreaciated the time we spend, as I got to know her better. In these two weeks we learned so much about each other, it's as if we'd known each other for ages. And it all just made me fall even harder for this inside out beautiful girl. I still couldn't believe she was to always be mine. How lucky I was. How happy she made me.

She was so thoughtful and observant. She read my every thought from my face and she understood my mind like no one else could. As well as I knew her mind. Her incredibly, impressive mind. We worked together as one. It was obvious by the way we acted together, the way we moved together, thought together, we were made for each other. And I knew she was falling for me.

So now I was sitting here next to her, holding her in my arms, while resting my back against the frame of her bed, smiling down on her.



"You barely slept all week. Let alone the week before. You don't have to watch over me now. I'm safe. You need to get some sleep."

"I'm fine, love. I wanna watch over you. Also I had more than enough sleep. Do you expect me just to sit around and do nothing. Wait for them to attack again?"

She turned to me with a concerned look on her face. One hand was resting on my chest. "Lauren I seriously think they won't come back. It doesn't help when you're tired and it's not good for your health. I'm concerned about you, okay? Please have some rest."

I was struggling inside. I knew she was right, but I felt obligated to stay awake.

"You can't keep on feeling guilty and obligated Lauren. It was not your fault, and it won't happen again. You can't and won't feel like this forever. You have to get over it."

I smiled slighty. She knew how I felt right off the bat.

"Don't you understand? I'm fine. Everyone else is fine. You did everything in your power. Nothing happened I'm here and you saved me and I'll be safe for now."

Her expression changed and she looked serious her eyebrows knitted "So I'm comanding you: GO to sleep!!"

I had to laugh lightly. "Okay Okay. You're so cute Camz. And as always, you're right. I have to rest." I leaned in closer, our noses touching "Thanks for telling me off.", I grinned.

Her eyes sparkled and her teeth were visible, her tongue peeking through. It was incredibly cute. "No problem."

And I was gone. I have been so tired for days, not allowing myself to sleep. I had to catch up. Surprisingly my dreams stayed untroubled.

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