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Camila's POV

Today I am attending another party which I am invited with but the difference is that my whole family will be there at the same time. Fortunately it'll be a good time for them to have fun but unfortunately for me, I'll be there for work. And I can't be drunk for that fact.

I made my way to the kitchen to grab something to eat before heading to the Jauregui. I saw my mom preparing some food for her guests. She did not allow Dinah and Ally to stay in the hotel since she insisted our guestrooms to be used by my friends. For the past years I've been working with the two, my mom never forgets to invite them both in every family gathering we have, that if I decided to attend in one of them.

My parents were more than happy when I introduced Ally and Dinah for the first time with them. It was my 23rd birthday, my parents decided to surprise me a visit in New York together with Sofia. When my mom met them she squeeze them tightly even big Dinah couldn't breathe properly. Maybe it was the fact that my parents knew I never had friends in high school. So knowing I've made friends in New York make them happy.

"Hi mija, come join us we're making lunch or should I say brunch for you since you haven't eaten up breakfast yet." My mom said offering a plate for me.

"You know I'm not a morning person mom."

"And I guess there are thing that never do change thru time" she smile and I kiss her cheek and grabs a juice from the fridge.

"So, are you going to the Jauregui party later?" I ask her even though I already know the answer.

"Yes, did I tell you that the Chairman and your father are golf buddies? I mean they spent more time together lately than us."

"Oh, do you think their having a secret affair mom?" I said jokingly and I saw her eyes widened.

"Oh Dios mío! DO NOT SAY THAT!" I burst out in laughter in her reaction.

"Oh my god! Mom you should have seen your face!" I almost drop my plate from laughing. "Ouch!" I felt someone hit my arm. I calm myself down and look the person who slaps my arm.

"Mila that is so rude!" Dinah said and raise her hands to slap me again but this time I hurriedly jumps out of the counter chair and walks beside my mom.

"I'm sorry mom, I was just joking and you know how man loves to have their 'buddy time'. Though I haven't heard it from you but Mr. Jauregui can't stop talking about Dad and their golf buddies yesterday during our photo-shoot and I think Mrs. Jauregui is as just frustrated as you are." I said while spreading some peanut butter and jelly on my bread. Not for long Sofia appears in the kitchen

"Hey Mila, dad wants to talk to you. He said meet him in his office. What did you do this time sis?" she said tapping on my shoulder. I give her a confused look, I've just been here in 2 days and I haven't been out in the house aside from doing my job. What is it this time? "Shit!" I muttered to myself getting nervous on what could he possibly want to talk to. I look at my mom but she gave me an unreadable look that made me more uncomfortable. So I stand up and walk out from the kitchen.

I knock on the door from my father's office and twist the knob, I saw him sitting on his executive chair.

"Come in mija, there's something I want to talk to you with." My father gave me a smile which I am grateful 'cause I know this talk is not about my wrong doings.

"What is it Papi?" I ask and sit on the chair in front of his table.

"Since you are here, I know you were working with the Jauregui's now and since you'll be at their party I would take that opportunity to introduce you to my partners who'll be present there." I could feel the sincerity on his voice. "I haven't got the opportunity to introduce my eldest child and show them how proud father I am to have a successful daughter like you. I mean they have known Sofia since she had been around in every social event we attend. We haven't forced you when you were little because we know how uncomfortable you are in mingling with people. But now that you've came out and grown up from your comfort zone I thought it would be perfect opportunity." He said looking straight to my eyes.

"I'm sorry for holding you back from those years papi. I'll be working during the time I'll be on the party but I can be there when you needed me. I'll have Ally and Dinah to help me there so I won't be that busy. And it would be an honor for me to know all your 'gulf buddies'." I smile at him and stand up making my way closer to him and hug him tight. "I love you papi, I'm sorry for making you worried and sad during those years."

"I love you too mija, I will always be worried for you, you are my daughter and have I told you that I'm very proud of you." He smile hugging me back.

"Thank you papi, I would not have achieved my goals without your support. You and mom."

"Don't forget Sofia. She's a brat but she loves you dearly." He chuckle and kiss my forehead.

"Yeah of course Sofia!" I rolled my eyes letting go from our hug. "Anyways have he told you guys where she wanna go for college? I mean she's senior now and she'll be graduating from high school. She should start applying for college schools now." I ask sitting back to the chair in front of him.

"Your sister is such a pain in the ass and I don't know where she got her stubbornness. I told her to start applying for college schools but I don't know she did ever listen to me or to your mother." I laugh on how frustrated he is to Sofia.

"Why would you question that you yourself don't listen to mom either?" we both laugh and he stand up from his big chair.

"That's a different story mija! C'mon let's head out before both of them barge in here and start nagging in getting ready to the party." He reaches for me and put his arm on my shoulder and kisses the side of my head. "I missed you so much Karla."

"I know dad, I missed you too." I wrap my arms around his big tummy and walks to the door.

After my heart to heart talk with my father I went to my room and get ready. Since I'll be working in a formal party I pickup my simple black jumpsuit trouser and long sleeve white top. I put on somelight make up grab my camera set then headed down stairs to meet my partners. "Let's go guys! We'll go ahead mami, papi, see you at the party later." We then head out to my car.


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