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Camila's POV

The next morning after I talked to my parents about my decision, I was bombarded by an annoying shake on the bed. "WAKE UP MILA!! it's noon you lazy butt!!" I felt heavy on top of me back.

"Get off me Sof!"

"Mila come on! Get your lazy big butt off the bed. I'm going to Taylor's after lunch, she's been bugging me with her new video game. I know you'll get bored staying alone here, wanna hang with us? We can go get pizza before heading there. Though I'm so craving for some Chinese food today" she kicks my feet again seeing I haven't move a bit. "Get up or I'll leave you here with mom and let her drag you in her garden to talk with her plants."

I instantly got up and causing Sofi to draw a smirk in her face, "shut up!" as warned her before she could make any teasing words to throw at me. I made my way to the bathroom and took a quick shower. After getting off the shower, I grab my white crop top and fitted ripped jeans paired with a snap back and a chuck taylor shoe. Now I'm good to go.

I headed downstairs tossing my car key in the air, I saw Sofia lying on the couch "let's go Sof!" tapping her shoulder to get her attention. She looked up at me with furrowed eyebrows "damn mila! You look younger on that outfit, a punk but hot punk!" she stood up from the couch as she laughs at me.

"Is that a compliment or an insult?" I raised my eyebrow then look down to my outfit. "What's wrong with my get up? I always wear this kind of clothes, why gave me that kind of comment? Will you be embarrassed if I go out with you like I'm just at the same age as you? I'm not that old as you thought of me" she was still laughing so hard that makes me irritated.

"Why are you so defensive? Don't worry that was a compliment just so you know. Come on, I'm starving I could eat whole box of pizza. Let's take my car, your car doesn't fit your get up now" she smirks as I rolled my eyes, she's so annoying sometimes.

We entered her car and pulled out my phone and selected playlist. If she agrees to take her car then it's my jam were playing. I press play and the song from my ultimate band is now playing. "You still listen to them?" I turn my head to face Sofia in the driver's seat.

"I could never get tired from listening to them. Matthew Healy is one of the most creative artists I've known, well, aside from Lana del Rey of course. But I have new preferred artist now" I smiled and looks at her "want to know who is she?"

"Does she even sound good?" a smug formed on her face but keeps her vision to the road. I opened my folder where I saved all the songs she sent me. I press play on song wicked games by the weeknd which she covers and did her version. She smiles and glanced at me as she heard the guitar intro of the song. "That's the first song I covered," Sofi is a very talented person and shows it off to everyone.

"You really sound good Sof, haven't you thought about doing music as your profession?"

"I do like music and writing songs but I love drawing and designing structures more."

"Are you sure? Or maybe you're just telling me this because of the company? I've already made a decision Sof, I'll take care of everything. Do what makes you happy and don't hold back because you think you don't have a choice."

"I know you worry about me Mila, this is what I really want. I do love architectures and I do want to be an architect. It is something I am passionate about. Remember that one time I went to New York to stay with you during summer?" she glances at me and I nodded telling her to continue. "Well, I guess you've seen how fascinated I am on the structures of the buildings. How articulate the designs were and how unique they were made I got more curious. My interest was added when dad brought me to one of architecture's exhibit held on Miami last year. I've seen different designs and meet young architectures who shared their talents. It was motivating and encouraging. I saw Lauren's team on that event, her team won an award that time actually. That is one of the reason why I was so glad when I heard that our company will merge with the Jauregui's cause honestly it is the place I wanted to work in the future. Let's admit it, CEGC has the best engineers in America and Asia while JI has the best architectures not only in US but also in Europe. The combination of both company will dominate the world."

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