Camila's POV
It has been two weeks since Lauren and I got married. A week after the formalization and celebration of matrimonial, I flew back to New York to pack all my things from my apartment to move in with Lauren. Since Lauren had a larger penthouse in The Epic apartment, I bet it is two times larger than Dinah and I shared flat.
Today is the day I'll be living as a married person, 'CRAP I'M MARRIED' the thought of it is giving me goosebumps. Never in my single life I have imagine myself being committed to any relationship and now I'm married. Its like it was just a snap in a finger and wahlah! I have a wife!
I sat at the end of my bed, I sigh staring at my wedding ring placed on my finger. How could I agreed on a lifetime arrangement? How did I got my unready self to a long time commitment? Now that the deal have sealed the more I could do nothing about it. What hurts the most is that Lauren have also committed to herself to never fall for someone like me. Her words on the night of our wedding stuck to my head even I choose to shrug it off it won't go away.
"Ahhh... finally!" I whined as I crashed myself on the cozy couch. We have arrived on our executive suite in 1 Hotel south beach for our so called 'honeymoon' as they say. "This day is so exhausting!" I said noticing Lauren followed me in the room and PULLING her suitcase the bellboy had settled in the fancy closet. I would say Mom's sets the best, from the reception arrangement to hotel reservations.
I sat up and took my time to observe the room. I saw a bottle of champagne in the counter anD two glasses beside the vase of roses with a note that says 'best of wishes Mrs. & Mrs. Cabello-Jauregui from 1Hotel' I chuckled on the note. I felt Lauren's presence behind me taking the champagne out from the bucket.
"Thank God they gave us some good complimentary," she opened the bottle and took one glass "want to celebrate with me Mrs. Jauregui?"
"Cabello-Jauregui," correcting her insistence.
"Nah, that too long Mrs. J sounds even better," she pours the champagne in both glasses and raised hers, "welcome to the marriage life." We made a toast and drink the tasty liquid.
"We haven't really celebrated our matrimonial why don't we sit and start to get to know each other. What do you think?" I suggested even though I know we had a long exhausting day but the truth is I want her to get drunk tonight. I don't know, the evil in me is just whispering that drunk Lauren is really hot!
I turned to made our way back to the couch "aren't you tired?" she asks kinking her eyebrow. We sat on the comfortable couch, I leaned my back to the chair and raise my feet to the table. I lay comfortably.
"Sort of but I'm not really sleepy yet, I'd prefer chatting with you than laying in bed and stare the ceiling. If that's okay with you of course, but if you want to get some rest its ok," I give her a polite smile.
"I'm not yet sleepy either. So what do you want to know?" She then reposition herself and slightly turns her body facing me. She place her elbow above the couch headboard and runs her hand through her hair before resting her head above her knuckles. Why does she looks so gorgeous at any time of the day?!
"Since we'll be living together two weeks from now, first I do want to know if you know how to cook?" she raised her eyebrow, I chuckled lightly and sip my champagne. "You know what they say, a way to a woman's heart is through her stomach. What can I say I love foods! So you better tell me if you know how to cook cause I don't and you can't leave me to die from starvation."

Business Deal (Camren)
FanfictionCamila Cabello and Lauren Jauregui are two successful woman in two different industries. Camila Cabello is a famous photographer in New York. Her work is in demand by famous models and her print outs were in different magazines. Many big companie...