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Camila's POV

I woke up this morning earlier than my usual wake-up call. I really didn't have sleep whole night thinking about what had happened on the party. I drag my sleepy head out of bed towards the bathroom to refresh myself before heading downstairs. I need to talk to my parents they can't just do this to me on peak of my career.

After taking a shower, I put a pair of faded blue jeans, my navy green loose tshirt and highcut chuck taylor shoes. I exit from my room and headed to the kitchen. I saw Ciara and Bella preparing breakfast. Ciara saw me and excitedly run towards me "Mila!" she hugs me so tight I could barely breath. I miss this kiddo. "I miss you so much!"

"Aww, I miss you too kiddo but can I breath now?" she laughs and pulled away from our hugs. "How school?" I ask her and greeted her mother who smiled at me sweetly. "Good morning Bel"

"School sucks but I'm still having fun once in a while" she said while pouring coffee in a cup and handed it to me such a sweet kid.

"Thanks," I smiled and took the cup "It's good that you're having fun. High school is a little bit rough, it's your training ground for college it means you should learn while having fun but not too much fun." I wink at her and smiled at her mother.

"yeah yeah, don't want to be the famous uncool nerd in ADAM, duh!" she rolled her eyes and handed me a sandwich which I heartily accepted.

"Are my parents having breakfast yet?" I ask Bella, wanting to speak to them before they do whatever activities they were planning today.

"They are in pavilion, I'm taking this coffee and bread to them now, wanna come?" she carries the tray full of food and walks to the door. I run her over opening the door so she could pass first. She gave me a thankful smile and we both walk outside the house heading to the pavilion.

Having breakfast outside the house is my parent's favourite thing. They love to eat while inhaling fresh air from the garden. And also mom loves picking up fresh flowers from her very own garden and put it in every flower vase she prefer.

"Good morning mija," my mom greeted me first kissing my cheeks I reciprocated and did the same with my dad.

"Good morning everyone!" as I seated, Sofi greeted us and swing her arms to my dad hugs him from the back and kissed his cheeks. She is such a daddy's girl.

"It's a great morning indeed but I really haven't gotten enough sleep last night, I think you know why. Care to explain dad?" I directly opened up the topic that had happen last night.

"I'm so sorry for putting you on the spot like that Karla, I know you didn't like it but I haven't got a chance to tell you. I've been busy and it slipped out of my mind."

"We've talked yesterday dad just before I went to the party. We had alone time in your office yesterday, you should have told me or atleast gave me a clue." There's a silence in the table and I know it's not just usual issue we are having now.

"The deal had been made Karla and there's nothing else you can do about it. You'll marry Lauren and take care of the company we build for you." My dad said in serious manner. Sofia settled herself beside dad's chair grabbing bacon strip from his plate and not caring on the seriousness of our conversation.

"I know you've never forced me to do things I don't want to do since I was a kid but marrying someone I don't even know? And marriage is a huge deal dad, so tell me what's really happening? Is the company's stock going down? I thought it's doing good, really good." I saw my mom squeeze my dad's hand, my dad look at her and I know there is something there not telling me. "Just tell me dad, it might help me understand."

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