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We arrived at Miami airport at exactly 7 in the morning. I dragged my suitcase towards the airport gate; the weather in Miami is so much different from New York. I turned back in Dinah who's having hard time dragging her suitcases. "Hurry up DJ!"

"Shut up Mila! Why don't you help me out here instead of yelling at me?!" she said with a complaining voice.

"I never told you to bring your whole wardrobe here, you're not the one doing the photo-shot" she pouted while I was laughing at her. I turned my head hearing someone screaming from a far, it was Sofia running towards us.

"Mila!" She almost crushed me with her tight hug. "I miss you sissy."

"I miss you too so much Sof! And wow! My baby girl is definitely a big girl now. Damn Sof! You look hot!" I am amazed how time goes by easily. "It won't be a surprise to know that you have a boyfriend already."

"Well, I'll take that as a compliment, you're not bad yourself Mila. And yes I did have a boyfriend but we broke up already." She said with a smirk on her face.

"Oh! Sorry about that. What's his name so I can hunt him down!"

"Naah! No need, we just lasted 1 week anyways. It's just a fling. Nothing much!"

"Ah! Our Sofia's making guys cry! Does it run in Cabello blood?" Dinah spoke behind us letting her presence be acknowledged.

"DINAH!!!" Sofia jumped on her and gives her a famous koala hug. "I miss you DJ!"

"I miss you too Sof! C'mon help me out and let's get to your car. Miami's getting so much hotter."

We went to the car I gave her on her 17th birthday. I know it is wrong to spoil my sister but what can I say, I had no one to spend my money with except her and myself of course. Being in demand photographer in Hollywood industry gives me pleasurable amount of money to spend all by myself. My parents doesn't need money since they practically owns ADAM Academy, one of the biggest private school in Miami and not to mention a construction company my father's obsessed with.

But growing up, I learned to teach myself to stand up on my own and not rely on my parents. Learning how to be independent doesn't mean being rebellious or not wanting to follow your parent's footsteps. In my younger years, I have a lot of insecurities. I didn't have many friends, I prefer to be alone and stay in my room to read books and more books only. My parents were rich, but not richer than The Jauregui's but they were known in town and that's the fact that I didn't like the most.

"Mila! Hey Mila! Are you sleeping?" Dinah snapped me back from my thoughts. I turned to her from the passenger seat.

"No DJ, just thinking. What were you saying?" I asked

"I said what time we'll go to Jauregui's residence?"

"Wait, you're going to the Jauregui's mansion?" Sofia glanced at me with a smile.

"Yeah, they're our employer this weekend. Their family will be featured on Modern Luxury Magazine and they hired us to do the photo shoot." I explained the reason why we were really here.

"Wow! That's cool! Taylor never mentioned that." She said living me in shock. She knows one of the Jauregui's kids.

"Wait! You know one of them?" Dinah ask with a surprise look on her face as mine.

"Of course! We go to the same school and duuh! Papi and her dad always play golf together. Actually they're cool except for her mom and her older sister. Her mom is the one always throwing parties with the politicians and other rich people in Miami. She's just snappy. And her older sister, well, I haven't really seen her much when I hang out with Taylor. I always encounter her brother Chris, his cool. Lauren on the other hand is always on work with their dad traveling and stuff so I haven't talked to her before but I tell you Mila she's really hot." Sofia shrugged her shoulder after giving us a glimpse about the Jauregui family. "She's also as weird as you Mila, that's what Taylor said to me when I told her about my sister." She just laughs, I hit her arm lightly then I heard Dinah joins her laughter.

"Excuse me! I am not weird! I'm the coolest!" I exclaimed to protest.

We arrived at home; Sofia parked the car on the driveway. I stepped out from the car to be greeted by Lorenzo with a hug. "Mila! Wow, it's nice to see you again. I miss you Mila." Lorenzo had been our butler since I was 5 years old. He got married with our maid Bella, my parents let them live with us. We really treated each other families along with their daughter Ciara.

"I miss you too Lorenzo, how's Bella and Ciara by the way?" I ask "I miss that kid"

"Oh she's in junior year now" He just smiled at me, while placing my arm around his waist.

"Damn! How did I miss everything? Jeez, I feel old already." We went inside the house "where's Mami and Papi Lorenzo?"

"There in the gazebo Mila, eating breakfast." I nodded and we went in the gazebo area to see my parents.

"Mami! Papi!" I yelled from the door throwing my arms wide open ready for their embrace. My mom stood up immediately seeing me approaching and gave me a tight hug followed by my dad.

"Why didn't you tell us your coming Mija? We would have picked you up at the airport." My dad uttered kissing the top of my head.

"I wanted to surprise you guys, and don't worry dad I called Sofia to pick us up with her awesome car." I exaggerated with the 'awesome' word. Just to, soundly tease them about Sofia's ride. My dad just shakes his head. My mom didn't like the idea of me spoiling my younger sister, granting her whatever her heart desires.

"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Cabello." Dinah greeted both of my parents with Sofia walking behind her.

"Hi Dinah, and please stop with the formality. You've been a friend to my daughter so call me Sinu." My mom smiles and offers us to join them for breakfast.

The breakfast was spent with laughter and talks just us catching up with everything that had been happening in the Academy and Sofia having a boyfriend. I miss being home; work had been my life in New York. We didn't usually spend time off for vacations. My career in New York grew after organizing multiple photo exhibits every quarter and receiving different projects from different magazines.


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