Chapter 1

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Before I start the fanfiction, please don't judge it by the first chapter... I love this fan fiction but I couldn't really find the best first chapter.. Sorry :( I promise, the chapters will be better written, and will only go uphill from here.. Anyways, back to the story... Bye!


"Kakashi-sensei..." The feminine voice was quiet and worried.

Through the haze of darkness the familiar voice filtered through to his consciousness, eyes still shut tightly Hatake Kakashi mentally smirked.

"Come on baka! Wake up goddamn it!" The second voice was decidedly more masculine, but even at seventeen years old it still lacked the maturity of an adult.

The mental smirk grew, ah Naruto never one to mince his words. The silver haired man almost felt like laughing at the worry evident in both of his student's voices. It seemed the two brats were a bit more attached to him than they let on. He was so not going to let them live this down, but he may as well milk it while he could.

"Sakura, he's not moving... are you sure he's okay? He was hit pretty hard by that guy"

Kakashi felt rather than saw the girl nodding, even if it was a little frantically. Kakashi groaned slightly; he hadn't been hit all that hard. Admittedly the jutsu he had been hit by was something he hadn't seen before but it hadn't exactly been powerful. Kakashi was after all still very much alive.

"His vitals are fine, just a little shallow. I don't get why he won't wake up." The tight exasperation in her voice betrayed the worry "There aren't any abnormalities. It makes no sense."

"The stupid old bastard is probably just faking" Naruto intoned morosely "You know he's probably getting a kick out of us worrying."

From his prone position Kakashi almost laughed out loud. It was scary sometimes how well his brats knew him.

"Maybe he is, maybe he isn't. But all I know is that we really have to get moving soon. I don't want any more of the creeps jumping out of the wood work."

The jounin happily echoed those sentiments. Although a fight had been expected the mission parameters had vastly underestimated the missing-nin's abilities. They had been powerful and well organised, but still no match for him and his team. That however didn't mean he wanted a rematch. Deciding to call an end to his little charade he opened his eyes.

And gazed up into nothing.

Kakashi felt momentarily confused, he could have sworn that Naruto and Sakura had been right next to him when they were talking. He sat up and took in the scene around him, seeking out the members of his team.

Around him the clearing the battle had taken place in was chaos. Trees were uprooted and blown to bits, the very ground itself had been torn asunder no doubt from one of Sakura's chakra infused attacks. All around the evidence of various jutsu still smouldered and the unmistakeable aroma of burning flesh was wafting in the air. The last thought brought a bitter taste to the copy-nin's mouth; he hated the fact that the younger members of his team had had to initiate the 'cleanup'.

Kakashi's mind flew back to the battle; it had started off fairly simply the weaker members of the enemies group trying rather unsuccessfully to pick them off one at a time. They had quickly been dealt with and then the heavy hitters had joined in. There were four of them all at least tokubetsu jounin, two males and two females. The two ladies were identical twins and attacked in tandem, all fluid grace and deadly accuracy. They had excelled with physical and jutsu projectiles and had sprouted senbon from area's Kakashi didn't even want to think about. The twins had been dispatched quickly by a wolf raikiri, the dark brown of their eyes diming as the electric fangs pierced their skin, severing their major arteries.

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