Chapter 13

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"Hello Hatake-san."

Kakashi froze.

An amused chuckle came from the Jounin's open doorway, which the silver haired man was disinclined to reply to. Instead his eyes narrowed into a glare and he folded his arms stiffly across his chest.

"Morino-san." Kakashi's reply was curt.

Ibiki still appeared to be rather amused at the man's reaction even if it didn't show on his face. Kakashi had known the Torture and Interrogations chief interrogator for a long time and had become quite adept at reading the man's body language. And right now it screamed amusement with an underlying hint of worry.

"Isn't it polite to invite your guests in, Hatake-san? It is rather miserable out here."

And that it was, sometime while Kakashi had been asleep the heavens had opened and a raging storm was whipping its way through Konoha.

"That's assuming that the homeowner sees the intruders as such." The Jounin replied icily, ignoring the mans soggy state.

The interrogators face dropped slightly and the ever present frown deepened. He was not surprised by the man's defensiveness, after all that had transpired over the last few weeks even Ibiki would have felt a little jumpy. It was never a good feeling being left out of the loop. That was why he strove to know everything he could, after all that insignificant piece of information could mean the difference between life and death.

That was part of the reason he was here though.

Tsunade seemed convinced that the copy-nin was holding out on her and had sent him it to work (as she had put it) some of his 'head screwing magic' on the other man. Ibiki knew that if Kakashi was indeed hiding something then he would certainly have his work cut out and then there was the other topic the Hokage had asked him to raise with the man.

The scarred man felt himself internally cringe, psychology he could do, emotions were something he had always struggled with.

Kakashi stood and watched Ibiki with undisguised anger, he knew it wasn't the interrogators fault but he still couldn't help but resent the fact that the man was here. Damn Tsunade and her meddling, she was causing nothing but trouble. At the very least Pakkun hadn't returned yet, that at least meant that Iruka was safe for the time being. It was one small worry off the Jounin's mind, now it was time to deal with the other. Ibiki still stood stoic in the doorway, unmoving and clearly resolved to complete his assignment. Mismatched eyes met coal black and Kakashi heaved a sigh moving from the doorway and back into his home. Ibiki, taking this as his cue followed the silver haired man in.

Kakashi sat himself back down on the couch and picked up his book, once again nonchalantly thumbing through the worn pages. The tokubetsu Jounin just stared and shook his head, taking residence in one of the rooms armchairs. A long and somewhat uncomfortable silence passed between the two men and the silver haired man had no intention of ending it, Ibiki had invited himself in let him be the one to make the first move. After what felt like a small eternity the scarred man finally spoke.

"This is a nice apartment Hatake-san."

Kakashi rolled his eyes

"I seriously doubt we are here to exchange niceties Morino-san. So cut the crap and get to the point.

The interrogator allowed himself a small smile."

"It seems your ability to read a situation remains as sharp as ever Kakashi."

The Jounin snorted softly

"Not exactly rocket science Ibiki, our illustrious Hokage after all did give me ample warning. I am just slightly shocked by her choice of personnel, I was expecting Mitarashi."

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