Chapter 9

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The next day just couldn't have come soon enough for Kakashi.

He had spent the remainder of the previous day undergoing any and every test the medics could think of. By the time the evening had rolled around the jounin was sore, irritable and covered in ridiculous array of gaudy band-aids. Which the simpering nurses had found amusing to stick over the numerous puncture wounds he had accumulated throughout the day.

No, tomorrow truly couldn't have come soon enough at all.

When dawn finally broke over the village the silver haired man had immediately sprung into action, adamant that he was not spending another moment in this, his own special branch of hell. Having been given the all clear the night before there wasn't anything stopping him. He'd only stayed overnight at the request of the medics and Kakashi had complied somewhat begrudgingly. But the jounin would be damned if he stayed any longer, further risking another encounter with Tsunade. He just couldn't face the woman right now; his emotions were still running rampant and he knew he would shoot his mouth off if he saw her. The exchange more than likely ending with Kakashi back in hospital and in a much worse state than he'd been.

Sighing he ran a hand through his bed mussed hair and swung his body out of the sterile and downright uncomfortable cot. He gave a stretch as his protesting muscles spasmed at the usage causing him to wince slightly, the cool breeze of the morning blowing across his bare back not helping matters. That made the first port of call clothing and Kakashi set to rummaging through the numerous drawers littered about the private room. Honestly not expecting to find anything the jounin was pleasantly surprised a pair of worn looking jeans and a thick high neck sweater in his size. With a small smile on his face he pulled on the garments making a mental note to find out who had smuggled them in.

Finally clothed Kakashi moved toward the window planning to escape through his usual route but stopped before opening the receptacle and turned instead walking out the door. Really he was saving himself a whole world of hassle in the long run. If he discharged himself properly then it meant Tsunade wouldn't have to send anyone after him to get them signed, meaning that she wouldn't be alerted to the fact that he was about to go against orders.

The jounin stopped as a loud clatter broke his concentration, face trained into his traditional bored look Kakashi looked up.

"Hatake-San." The voice was shocked.

It was the intern from Kimura's team eyes wide and mouth gaping. After a moment she realised she'd been staring and flushed a brilliant red and promptly dropped to the floor to pick up the tray she had dropped. Feeling sympathetic Kakashi bent down to help her causing the young woman to jump and drop the items.

Kakashi chuckled.

The interns flush deepened.

"Is it really so surprising to see me up and out of bed?" He asked amusement obvious in his still damaged voice.

"No, It's more a case of me being shocked at seeing you up, about and not jumping out the window for dear life."

The witty comment caught Kakashi off guard and a raspy laugh erupted from his lips. It hurt but it was a pain that Kakashi could live with a thousand lifetimes over, it was worth every moment just to feel that lightness in his chest that only true amusement could bring. The intern gave a shy smile her face still an interesting shade of crimson.

"Well I thought I'd do things a bit differently this time. It has been an odd few weeks."

The young woman said nothing but simply nodded in reply agreeing whole heartedly with the Jounin's comment. They parted ways and Kakashi hurried to the reception desk, eager to escape. The nurse on duty looked as shocked as the intern and the silver haired man was beginning to hastily regret his decision to do things properly. He hadn't had this many people staring at him like he was crazy since that Psych evaluation before he took on team seven. Pushing away the disconcerting thoughts Kakashi quickly signed the discharge paper work and walked out of the front entrance.

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